
What is the psychology behind being obsessed with firearms

To start, I should mention that I collect wow gold guns. I frequent firing ranges and load my own ammunition. I have friends that have guns, and have friends to like to shoot my guns.

Shooting gun collecting, is just a hobby. There is a connotation that guns are inherently evil because their original and primary purpose is to kill wow items or injure. The fact we have to get over is, people will always be killing people. Guns are used for that purpose, but not that purpose alone. I enjoy military history and always have. So when I turned 18 the first thing I did was start collecting antique rifles. I enjoy owning a rifle that was used it a war, or was made to be used in a war. Its a real piece of military history.

Also, while shooting sports and gun collecting are wow gold not limited to males, females are taking a much greater interest. More women are carrying guns, and more women are shooting, and winning, in competitions.

To say that gun-obsessed people are making up for shortcomings is just wrong. It is misinformed and obviously comes from someone who has little or no knowledge of the shooting community. I will admit that there are people who buy guns to make up for their poor self-image but people also buy just about anything to do that, cars, houses, jewelry, etc. The guys that are avid collectors, and are "gun-obsessed" just enjoy the hobby.

So in short, with most "gun guys" theres no pyschology behind the interest in guns. We just a group of people who realized they liked shooting and turned it into a hobby. The short answer is that few studies have really been conducted on the social and psychological factors involved in gun culture and among those who have an unhealthy relationship with guns. I could speculate, but speculation has no place in answering scientific questions. Psychology is a science, not a guessing game for 'internet experts'.

I can explain at length paranoid schizophrenia or conduct disorder or antisocial personality disorder, but they're not directly relating to guns. The people you see hoarding weapons because they think the government is out to get them or they are expecting a home invasion any day now would likely find another avenue for their emotional instability if they didn't have access to guns.

You may not think this helpful, but if you're very curious about this I suggest you take psychology classes. You may be the researcher to develop the first work on this specific subject.

"In short, a gun-obsessed guy (and it's almost always a guy) sees the gun as the shortcut to overcoming his perceived shortcomings in the realms of social status and/or virility."

Wow, if this isnt the constant argument of Women against Big Trucks, Guns, Boats, Motorcycles, Guitars, and almost wow items anything that guy is into. If anything is not femanine and women dont understand it is simply written off as making up for the size of a guys penis. It amazes me. I especially like that cartoon making any gun collecting pro-constituionist a redneck. Not only is it biased, its blatant slander against real Americans.

Thats ok though because we buy wow gear veteran guys/gals fight to keep snotty childish women like you able to spew your anti-gun anti-guy rhetoric.

Id worry more about someone obsessed with looking beautiful all the time, and having fake everything, before I would worry about someone who collects guns. Truly if someone is OBSESSED with guns than they better be dissasembling/assembling it all day and all night, and shooting it ALL the time. Thats obsessed. Like nerds, grown married men, who sell their crap to buy skills or somthing for WORLD OF WARCRAFT, Thats obsession.
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