
Paying buy wow weapons To Level Vs Leveling

This past weekend I did something that I promised myself that I would never do and that is pay to level and transfer one of my characters on. I have been playing the wow gold game for over a year now and have created seven characters for the Alliance, and one for the Horde. I did not want to waste my time leveling my new Horde character so I spent $30.00 on a Fraction change, which is transferring an Alliance character to a Horde character or vice versa. After my character had been transferred I ran into several other gamers who admitted that they too did the same because leveling by questing and completing dungeons was time consuming. I was also shocked to learn that people where actually paying for mounts and pets.

It is free to quest and earn gold for items and other things that you require for your character, but now we live wow items in an age where we do not have time to wait…we want it now! Is it wrong to pay to level? I think it depends on an individual's preference. Yes I paid to transfer one of my higher level characters because I did not feel like leveling the character myself but that was my choice and I enjoyed introducing my character to everyone and admitting that it was a transfer.

Though faster seemed well it did not go without its consequences…Due to my hasty decision I did not realize that I buy wow weapons would be transferred to a higher leveling ground because I was high level. I am also new to the area on the game and did not know what to do or where to go. If I had leveled a new toon instead of transferring one then I would have learned the area and would not have the issues that I am faced with now.

Paying to level or leveling by questing is a choice that only the player can determine - Whichever route a person chooses will be well worth it in the end.
More articles come from the:http://www.buywowgold.nl/wow-gold-eu.html

