
What Is Geocaching And What Makes It A Great Activity

The basic concept of Geocaching couldn't be simpler. Somebody hides a container (the cache) and broadcasts the GPS coordinates for the hiding place on the web. Other people try to find the cache, using a handheld GPS or GPS-enabled phone. If they succeed, they record their find by signing the log book inside the cache and then submitting another log on the Geocaching web site.

Part of the fun of geocaching is the fact that there is an endless variety of places where caches can be hidden and a number of different types of caches that can be created. Therefore, it is possible to select caches that absolutely match needs: urban or rural, simple or complex, tiny or large, easy to reach or in extreme territory.

Some caches will only ever be found by people with outstanding fitness and experience. These include caches where it is necessary to dive underwater or scale a dangerous mountain in order to reach the site. Others need exceptional puzzle-solving ability. For example, the Cipher Cache series located all around South Wales consists of 12 caches which can only be found by breaking a code. Each cache gives a clue to the type of code used in the next cache, but the codes get more and more difficult to break, and the terrain also gets more demanding as the series progresses.

However, geocaching at any level is a wonderful wow gold kopen way to keep fit. It is possible to cover many miles on foot while looking for caches, without feeling that this is grim exercise.

Cache containers can also be a challenge, particularly when a nano-cache is involved. Some nano -cache containers are made to look like a nut, which might be hidden on wow gold ideal the structure of a bridge, among many genuine nuts, for example! It is also possible to buy cache containers that look like rocks, discarded AA-size batteries, snails or a clump of grass. Some geocachers also delight in camouflaging caches by placing them inside a hollowed-out stick, or modelling them to look like tree fungus, and so on. Some geocachers make their caching extreme by going caching at night or by trying to find the cache without a GPS, just plotting the location on Google Maps or a paper map.

The most classic type of cache is a Tupperware box. Cachers leave "swag", which can be any small items. This makes geocaching great fun for families with children, because the kids love to find these treasures and swap them for some they have brought. The treasure-hunt aspect of geocaching releases the inner child in adults too. I was really thrilled to find a Miffy the Rabbit pin in a cache, because I like Miffy. My favourite cache is hidden on a beach within walking distance from the centre of Rejkjavik in Iceland. The reason it is my favourite is because the cache itself is a large box shaped like a pirate's treasure chest. I found this so very romantic.

Another class of object left in all but the smallest caches is the" trackable". This can be a "geocoin", often produced to commemorate an event, or a "travel bug", which looks like a dog tag and is often attached to a small toy or figurine. Each trackable has a unique number, and the idea is that cachers remove them from one cache and place them in another cache. The owner can see where they have gone through logs on the Geocaching web site. Some trackables are released with a particular agenda about the sort of places they want to visit or the final destination they would like to reach.

Many caches are placed in interesting or beautiful places, so geocaching is a wonderful way of getting to know a new country, region or city. Multicaches involve visiting a series of locations. Information found at one location is used to work out where to go next, until the final cache is reached. Some people use a multicaches as a way to make a tour of interesting places in a town or city and provide extensive notes about the places visited. Doing such a multicache is as good as having a private tour guide.

Earth caches do not involve a physical container. They are situated at sites of geological interest and usually it is necessary to answer some questions about the location and submit a photograph of self plus handheld GPS/phone. Unfortunately, many people who set up earth caches make the questions too much like a school exam. For this reason, I do not really enjoy earth caches. I have done a few but now rarely bother, even if I am visiting the location anyway.

Geocaching has developed its own community. When geocachers get together, their meeting wow gold are known as event caches, to be discovered and logged like any other cache. Many geocaching events take place over one or more whole days and have associated camping-based event caches, like the South Wales Geocachers events.

Thus, geocaching really is an activity that is suitable for all ages and all fitness levels. It offers a way to enjoy the fun of a treasure hunt, get to know new places, spend time walking outdoors and meet new friends.
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