
Mullen says Iran buy wow weapons has material to make nuclear weapon CNN Political Ticker

(CNN) - Iran likely has enough wow gold material to make a nuclear weapon, Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen told CNN's John King Sunday.

"We think they do, quite frankly," Mullen said on State buy wow weapons of The Union with John King. "Iran having a nuclear weapon, I believe, for a long time, is a very, very bad outcome for the region and for the world."

Mullen also said he is watching North Korea wow gold closely, although he also said he and Defense Secretary Robert Gates have yet to make a recommendation on how to approach that country.

Earlier: N. Korea: Ready to launch satellite

"There has been no recommendations one way or another," wow gold he said. "There's a lot of focus on this and then recommendations and certainly policy discussions will come based on the timing and what North Korea does."

More one sided stories from CNN, run by zionists. Gates has said that Iran is not close to a wow items weapon, every "spy" agency in the US has said they are not trying to build a bomb, but CNN reports "Iran has enough material for a bomb." To bad they need to refine the so called enough material to produce that bomb, and to bad that if they try and do that, that it is a very obvious step.

They also have enough material to produce energy / electricity, why not write that? I would love to see a negative story on Israel, you know that ones who can do no wrong to your owner / producers. You guys are zionist sell outs. This time if this country goes into a false war, be sure people will remember that the media , you CNN played a part in it.
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