
Modernisation drive wow gold pays off as membership soars

Girlguiding membership in the UK has been boosted by one member every hour in the past year after the organisation took the leap and created new courses like circus skills and pop music studies to update its 100-year image.

New figures released today showed that 538,247 girls are fully enrolled buy wow weapons in the Rainbows for ages five to seven, Brownies for ages seven to ten and Guides for for ages ten to 14 - up from 530,000 lGirl Guide membership is up ast year.

Recently the volunteer organisation has introduced a host of new courses to run alongside its more traditional pursuits, so that now as well as sewing and sailing, girls can also analyse pop lyrics and learn how to walk a tightrope.

Added to this it costs little to join wow gold because of the way the organisation is funded - meaning for many families in recession-hit Britain it a more affordable option than most after-school activities.

Chief Guide Gill Slocombe said, "Guiding remains one of the only spaces where girls and young women can be adventurous, learn new skills, have their opinions heard and gain leadership skills outside of school, without feeling they have to conform to a set of narrow stereotypes.

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"Guiding also offers our young members some amazing experiences, from the excitement of their first Brownie campout to working in countries such as The Gambia and Honduras on international development projects. With opportunities like this it is no wonder girls are voting with their feet and joining us."

Philippa Wingate, Publishing Director of Buster Books, who published the popular Girls Book series, said: "It is a great environment for girls to get together in, and has given many generations of girls valuable skills which they will come back to throughout their lives.

"I was a Brownie guide and there were certainly valuable lessons about responsibility and team work that I took on board - and I am still uncannily good at tying knots."

Were you in the Girl Guides? What are your memories of this British institution? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Sandpot - Girlguiding is the correct spelling.

I been a Brown Owl for the last 18 months (Brownies are age 7-10) and it great fun and educational for the girls as well as extremely rewarding and worthwhile for the leaders. We all volunteers and I run my pack for the bargain price of £1.50 per girl per week to cover rent and materials (so, no, we not bleeding the taxpayers dry). BUT we desperately need more leaders. Please contact Girlguiding if you like to help. My pack may close if I don get more volunteers to help me run it and the girls and I would be devastated. It worth a phone call to find out more!

I was a Girl Guide in the 50s during which I met the wow items then Chief Guide Lady Baden Powell on three occasions. We regularly went camping and one year I went to Switzerland with a group of others from my GG company. We visited both the Guide and Scout chalets there during our stay.

I am sure it was all the help and encouragement I received from my GG leaders that saw me enter the nursing profession. I am still in contact with those GG leaders, what a debt of gratitude we all owe them. They gave up so much of their lives for us. Last year several of us met up. What a memorable time that was made even more special by our now well into her 80s, joining us.

To Sandra. I raising my hand, I was one of those volunteers.

I started out as a Brownies, became a Guide and buy wow weapons then when I turned 14 I decided to help out with a Brownie Unit. I did that for almost 9 years, 2 years of those were as the Unit Leader.

I have to tell you it is one of the most rewarding things I think I have ever done. Seeing the girls come in happy to be there, smiles upon their faces and wanting to take part in whatever you flung at them its just WOW.

I just wish that Girlguiding got alot more recognition than what it does. I sure hope that those numbers keep soaring. I will be making sure that when I have a daughter that she will attend! :)
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