
Ghostbusters buy wow weapons 3 Update

Bill Murray Confirms What buy wow weapons We Already Know, Says 'Ghostbusters 3' Doesn't Have A "Good Script".

Has it been three years already since the increasingly tired and boring rumors and speculation about Ghostbusters 3 wow gold have been kicking around? Well, despite the fact that no one except Dan Aykroyd seems interested in making this thing, Bill Murray is pretty much the lynchpin if this movie ever moves forward. But that won't happen until the script is brought up to par, which has pretty much been the story since day one.

Hitting "The Late Show With David Letterman" last week, the subject of Ghostbusters 3 was brought up -- again -- and an obviously thoroughly disinterested Bill Murray gave an update. It's hard. Even the second Ghostbusters wasn't as much fun for me as the first one. It's hard to make a sequel. That first one was really funny. It was just so darnn funny, it's hard for me."

Pressed if there will be another crack at Ghostbusters 3, Murray unconvincingly added, "We'll try." Good luck Dan.

It's pretty easy to read between the lines here -- or even his body language -- Murray seems pretty much uninterested and would rather wow items talk or be doing about anything and everything else. Speaking of which, Murray once again proved he remains eternally awesome this weeked. During a rain delay in the fourth inning of a game between the Charleston Riverdogs (of which he is part owner) and the Savannah Sand Gnats, Murray hit the slip and slide to entertain the fans. Can we just a get found footage movie of Murray doing stuff? Watch below.

Thanks wow gold to Chopsaki for the submission.

I almost did not click on buy wow weapons this. I assumed it would tell me something I already knew. And it told me something I already knew.

We have heard several excusses from several sources on why Bill is wow gold not interested in a new Ghostbusters movie. At this point i do not care if/ when they replace him. I am just ready for another Ghostbusters movie. I can live with one or two of the originals.

I have heard several reasons why Bill Murray does not want to be a part of this movie. I think I will just pick the one that seems to fit with his tone. I think Bill does not want to do the film because he will not be the center of focus as he was in the first two.
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