
Snack Vending Machines And More

Obviously the best way to stay awake at work is by getting a solid night of sleep that means at least 8 hours for all buy wow weapons adults who aren't seniors (old people don't need as much sleep, often only 6 hours or less). But sometimes you're tempted to go out for drinks after that happy hour, or you have a tiff with the wife and have to make it up to her no matter the circumstance, you can't always get those 8. So here are some tips to stay awake when you find yourself with heavy eyelids and low productivity.

1. Smell: Smelling certain scents can trigger alertness in the brain. Some of these include: wow gold rosemary, eucalyptus gum, peppermint (studies show that smelling peppermint can increase alertness by 30%, lower fatigue by 15%, and decrease frustration by 25%). And coffee, you don't have to trip out on, replenishing and crashing; just give a brew a whiff and you'll feel better.

2. Acupressure: Tapping the top of your head with your fingertips, the back of your neck, the space on your hands in between thumbs and index finger, just below the knees, and earlobes.

3. Cat nap: Sleeping for 15 minutes can wow gold make you feel brand new. If you can, drink some coffee before falling asleep and you will have hours of energy when you wake up.

4. Bright Light: Natural light will alert your body's circadian rhythms not to fall asleep during the day. Even if it's cloudy outside, seeing light will give you a jolt.

5. Stay uncomfortable: Hard chairs, standing up, and keeping your head upright will help you focus. So will cold air; the warmer it is the more natal you will feel.

6. Don't be full: Munch lightly: an apple, raisins, and sunflower seeds will help wow gold you have energy without a crash. Don't gorge yourself at lunch; eat constantly throughout the day. Soda from a soda vending machine is okay, and snacks from snack vending machines are good the walk around the office will stimulate your body and your mind.

7. Music: Fast, energizing music will help to keep you alert and awake.

8. Random: Splash cold water on your face, drink lots of it to keep you getting up and going to the bathroom, brush your teeth, and chew gum. All of these activities keep blood flowing throughout your body, stimulating yourself.

9. 5 Hour Energy: Only use this if you are really struggling. It is powerful and will make you feel alert without a crash, but the chemicals in it can't be good for you, especially if you make a habit of it.

10. Exercise: Yoga, jumping jacks, push ups buy wow weapons and stretching are all great ways to circulate blood throughout your body. Repeat every half hour, or whenever you're feeling groggy.

These 10 tips will give you enough to think about so that you don't find yourself drifting off. And after you try them, you will have more energy, even if you do feel that lethargy ever so slightly creeping in from the back of your head. Don't think about sleep, it will only make you sleepier. Stay focused on something and you will be home in bed in no time.
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