
Attorney Tamara Holder

Tamara N. Holder is the principal of The buy wow weapons Law Firm of Tamara N. Holder, LLC. Her firm's work includes: criminal defense, expungement, race discrimination, police brutality, public policy, and pro bono practices.

Tamara established her own practice in 2005, defending amongst others, the poor and indigent in criminal courts throughout the State of Illinois. She quickly learned how even a dismissed misdemeanor case can return to haunt people. She also buy wow weapons helps ex-offenders seek a Governor's pardon for non-expungeable offenses. Tamara has met privately with Governor Blagojevich on the issue of pardons, and Illinois Attorney General Madigan on sentencing and expungement procedures and laws. Tamara was soon invited to work with Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition (RPC). As a result, her work quickly caught the attention of civic leaders in Chicago, as well as nationwide. In 2006, she founded an expungement clinic at RPC headquarters, and now holds a weekly clinic, reviewing criminal records and providing advice on expungement options. This work is a testament to Tamara's unparalleled pro bono work efforts in the city of Chicago.

Tamara also works closely with Reverend Jackson in crafting and executing public wow items policy initiatives, together with programs to increase opportunities for minorities and the economically disadvantaged; as well as initiatives designed to get guns off the nations streets, help reduce street gang violence, and offer educational opportunities for young people.

In February 2007, Tamara's investigation of the railroad industry's improper employment practices toward those with criminal records led to a Congressional wow gold investigation and a hearing before the Committee of Homeland Security. In July of 2007, Tamara testified as an expert witness before the Committee of Transportation, Sub-Committee of Maritime and Infrastructure. Her testimony was crucial to preventing passage of an invasive, anti-worker, anti-business piece of legislation calling for mandatory identification cards for transportation workers - a statutory scheme criticized by organized labor and management alike.

Tamara is a also a frequent guest on radio and television shows, such as the Upfront Show with Jesse Jackson, The Santita Jackson Show and The Cliff Kelly Show (both on WVON), Reverend Al Sharpton's radio program, Clear Channel's WGCI-FM and selected programs on public access television CAN-TV.
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