
Top wow gold 10 Wolfman Figures

In 2008 I sat in Hall H at the San Diego Comic Con and saw the first trailer, twice, for the new Wolfman movie starring Benicio Del Toro with make-up by Rick Baker. These men were on hand but what made this panel so exceptional was their love for the character and the original 1941 film. The footage looked amazing but hearing their stories and how they came to wow items do the film indicated to me that this was more than just some remake. The film did not come out when it was supposed to. Nor did it come out last October when it was slated for a second release. This immediately put up a red flag. Now the rumor has it that Del Toro didn want the Wolfman to interfere with the release of Che. I don know about you but an art house film like Che wasn playing at any mega-movie-plex near me. So I going to walk into the theater next week with low expectations. Last year, at the International Toy Fair, Mezco Toyz had their incredible Wolfman action figures, both 7 and 12 inch, on display. Without a doubt one of these figures was going on my toy shelf regardless what I thought on the film. I started to wonder how many other Wolfman action figures have there been? In my search for them I discovered an unbelievable assortment of artistry and characters. Sadly in compiling this list of the Top 10 Wolfman Figures Sideshow Collectibles renditions of Bela the Gypsy and Larry Talbot from the 1941 got bumped from the list. There are tons out there but here is Mania Top 10!

The son of newspaper man and now mayor of New York City, J. Jonah Jameson was an astronaut that journeyed into space and kept coming back with all kinds of problems. His transformation into a Werewolf was not only unique for the Marvel Universe (read full bio here) but for Werewolves in general. Mix that with a daddy that hates Spider-Man and you have a classic villain for old Web Head. street date yet (seen here).

Sideshow Collectibles, of course, has outdone themselves with this relatively unknown horror classic. Henry Hull buy wow gear is the Werewolf of London looking completely dapper in his evening wear. This earlier Wolfman film came in 1935 with less hairy make-up devised by the legendry Jack Pierce. I think it is time to rediscover this early Wolfman film; if anything to witness Pierce incredible make-up.

3. American Werewolf in London

Again Sota Toys make this list with their two-pack rendition of the modern horror comedy wow gold classic. Not only do you get David Naughton as the Werewolf but Griffin Dunne as the torn to shreds Jack too. If only there would have been more than one Jack figure in his various levels of decomposition. Still they are both must have Wolfman figures.

Several years ago Sideshow Collectibles put out the Silver Screen Edition of all the Universal Classic Movie Monsters. They would put out color renditions as well but the black and white versions are the ones that the true fan wants. Complete with stand, wolf heads cane and that classic Universal appeal easily makes this the number one Wolfman figure out there. This figure is a true classic and one to howl at the moon about (seen here on Amazon).

Robert, you should be ashamed of yoursel. Never heard of Dog Soldiers? That's a new classic in the werewolf genre. I thought you were being facetious but it sounds like you really haven't seen it. Btw the figure does look excellent

The Eaglemoss figures, #8, always take about a month to hit the USA. But I already have mine so the Man-Wolf is already available. Btw, these are lead figurines about 4", not for kids or to handle frequently, you know what lead does

I happen to be a proud owner the #1 but in Premium Format version which is 1/4 scale. I just pretty much love everything by Sideshow but I stick mostly to the 1/4 scale line
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