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Culture. Art. Nature. Peace. Beauty. Sunshine, and more…Welcome to the city of Athens! A rose among thorns - abeautiful melody - a diamond in a rock. It's a crystal,sparkling with all its might. Athens wow gold is an ancient, yet moderncity. Many fantastic structures werebuilt then; many are ruins now, but reconstructed so we canadmire them today. Millions of tourists visit Athens everyyear. The current population of Athens is around 4 million,majority of them Greeks. Athens is a very interesting city tolive in, so much history and culture, so many places to visit,so many things to learn. People are nice and welcoming. Greekfood is fantastic, shopping is great and there is a lot to doand see in Athens and surrounding areas. Join me on a thrilling adventure inone of the worlds most ancient and historical cities: Athens!

is a capital and the largest city of Greece,a country in the south of Europe, bordered by Albania,Macedonia and Bulgaria from the North, Turkey from theEast, the Aegean Sea and the Ionian Sea from the Westand the Mediterranean Sea from the South. Greece is aParliamentary Republic and has a President elected bypeople. Greece belongs to European Union. Athens islocated in South-Eastern Europe, in the Region wow gold ofAttica and has an area of around 476 sq. km. It is oneof the World's oldest cities. They meet frequently and celebrate differentoccasions together as a family. The most importantholiday in Greece is Easter. Women dye eggs in red,godparents buy news shoes, clothes and a candle to thekids and, in villages, the exterior of the houses andthe streets are whitewashed. Greeks celebrate andexchange gifts on "name days". Table manners areessentials. Greeks must treat their guests likeroyalty. Arriving late for a meeting or a party isacceptable. Some Greeks are superstitious, theybelieve in "evil eye" and wear a charm for protection:a little blue marble glass with an eye painted on itor a blue bracelet. The expression "Piasekokkino" (touch red): When two people say the samething together, they immediately say "piase kokkino"to one another and both have to touch any red itemthey can find around him. This happens because Greeksbelieve that saying the same thing is an omen and thatthe two persons will get into a fight or an argumentif they don't touch a red thing. In villages, bread isconsidered as a gift of God; old women bless the breadand make the sign of the cross with a knife beforeslicing it.

I love visiting different places around the world and my trip to Athens was one of my favorites. The firstthing we did in Athens was climb the mountain of the Acropolis to see the Parthenon. The people of that town needed a god to protect and guide them, soPoseidon (the god of sea), and Athena (the goddess of peace and wisdom) offered to rule the town. Only one godcould be the protector of the town, so they decided to have a contest: who can give a better gift to the peopleof this town. Poseidon struck a rock with his trident and a spring of water appeared. Water is very important fora city, but when people tasted it, it was salty, like the sea. Athena planted a small seed in a ground, whichgrew up to become a lovely olive tree. The citizens liked this gift better because it would give them shelter,food, oil and firewood. Can you guess who won? Athena of course! Athena named the city after herself. That'swhere the name 'Athens' came from. Then, Athena planted an olive tree, and marked it as the symbol of peace. Thecitizens of Athens built many glorious temples dedicated to their goddess, organized festivals to honor her andwhen money was invented, they put Athena and her sacred bird, the owl, the symbol of wisdom, on both sides oftheir coins. Athena planted olive trees all over the slopes of Acropolis."I loved that story, and I got up, full of energy, and made it to the top of the Acropolis before everybodyelse. It was so much fun! I love Athens!
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