
Hour of Twilight Guide for World of Warcraft

Hour of Twilight Guide for World of Warcraft The Hour of Twilight is a 5-man dungeon in world of warcraft cataclysm. And in this dungeon, in most time the wowers can get some very good world of warcraft drops there that way there are so many game players want to run this dungeon. Maybe there are mainly three bosses in hour of twilight you should defeat, in the following parts, you will see the fighting guide for each boss. Hope this would give you some help. Should this twisted elemental being succeed, nothing will be able to stop Deathwing from ushering in the Hour of Twilight. Hand of Frost You'll see this cast by Arcurion himself, and pretty constantly. It's a ton of single-target frost damage, but it's interruptable. This should be a priority, because healing through this gets expensive fast. Torrent of Frost When Arcurion's health reaches 30%, he stops what he's doing, levitates, and starts to channel Torrent of Frost, causing uninterruptable frost damage to everyone in the group. Thrall will respond by casting Bloodlust. While the damage isn't overwhelming, it's relentless, and he'll have to die. Trash before Asira is pretty nasty, to the point that you might want to let Thrall tank a mob or two on his own. While you can attempt to crowd-control a few, he's pretty likely to break it. Interrupt the mobs' Mind Flay ability as much as you can as the damage is huge. DPS As with tanks stays out of Smoke Bombs if you're melee. If you're ranged, park yourself on top of the circle of light given by Thrall's fire totems and resign yourself to the quite-likely possibility that, unless you're a hunter, you're going to spend most of this fight silenced. Healers This fight can be annoying. If your tank's dancing around like a ferret on meth and you can't keep him/her between yourself and Asira, rely on your instants and HoTs (should you have them), and use your bigger heals in the moments you're able to cast. There's actually not a lot of damage on this fight, but you have to pick and choose what your heals are going to be as carefully as possible. Archbishop Benedictus -- Archbishop Benedictus is the final boss in hour of twilight, it is the most powerful boss among the three bosses in this dungeons so when you are fight with him, you should be more careful. Trash preceding Benedictus looks a little chaotic, but it's actually not bad. You'll need to down a series of skinny tentacles popping out of the ground and some spawning mobs, most of which will make an inevitable beeline for your healer. Lastly, he'll summon a wave of light that will go across the middle platform in a random direction. Standing in one of those will deal 100k damage and knock back, so don't stand in them. Thrall will help by dispelling party members, destroying a majority of the orbs in the air and summoning a water bubble that protects anyone in it from the wave of light. At 60%, the Archbishop will transition to his shadow form and will continue to do the exact same abilities, except this time they all deal shadow damage and Thrall won't be able to assist with them. That means that the shadow orbs will actually focus three party members and leave three puddles on the ground that can't be stood in, and there'll be no water bubble to protect from the Shadow Wave - not that it was hard to avoid in the first place.
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