
Living on a budget in London

Hello buy wow weapons and welcome to London!

Property: London is a bit of a pricy city, and Richmond is at the pricer end of things. Not wow items sure what your salary is, but I'd recommend working my way along a main transport link, such as the Overground, until you find an area you like and that you can afford - Rightmove is a good website to give you an idea on prices. What are your interests etc and perhaps we can recommend an area you'd like?

I pay £25 for combined line rental and unlimited broadband with BeUnlimited but you could find better deals through a price comparison website. I never make landline phone calls as I use Skype for international calls or my mobile so you may pay a little more there if you make landline calls.

I pay buy wow weapons £40-50 for gas and electricity depending on weather.

I pay £15 for water

My council tax is included in my rent but you may pay between £80-120 a month for this depending on the borough you choose to live in.

Food IS expensive and getting worse. I try to visit wow gold local markets for cheaper fruit and veg and have cut right back on meat to two or three meals a week. You may find better prices at Asda and Lidl too.

Tip: once you find a place and are looking to sign up to utilities and get contents insurance buy things through Quidco and you'll earn a load of cashback - I got over £300 this way when I moved back to London two years ago.

posted by wow gold ozgirlabroad at 12:43 PM on April 13

If it's fresh veg that you are worried about, look for vegetable bags or boxes from an organic farm. My wife and I get one during the summer when we are in Oxford, and the value is fairly good, since it bypasses the middleman. Of course you need to be willing to cook and eat whatever comes in a particular week, which might mean lots of broad beans one week and a bunch of turnips (swedes) the next.

posted by brianogilvie at 12:45 PM on April 13

To save money on food (and everything else), get to know the MoneySavingExpert forums, particularly the section on Food Shopping where people give tips on food bargains. I'm willing to commute 10k by bike to work, though I will have to work my way UP from the 5k I can just barely do. :D
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