
Flight Lieutenant wow items Bill Healey 'The Great Escape' WWII

My father was a Spitfire pilot in 453 Sqn RAAF, was shot down and baled out over Holland in June 1943 and became a POW in Stalag Luft III. In 2000 I travelled with him back to all the places he was during the war - the airfields he buy wow weapons flew from in England and where he trained in Wales, we met the Dutch lady who's farm he parachuted into,(she was his age) and where he was captured in Southern Holland, to Poland and the Luft III museum and the Memorial to the shot escapees which is nearby - he knew some of the Australians who were shot (the actual POW camp site was still yet to be opened to the public), and then went back into Germany and followed the route he and other POW's marched near the end of the war and eventually to the place where he was liberated, in northern Germany. It was such an amazing trip and such an honour for me to travel with him and listen to his recollections and feelings from that time. He's not around anymore, but I have this trip with me for the rest of my life.

Thank you for sharing this story with us - I didn't know how much Australia's diggers were involved in the Great Escape and I was buy wow weapons very moved to learn of their fate. Months of wondering around in the freezing conditions with the ever constant threat of being shot must have been horrid for Bill. I couldn't imagine what they went through but your show has given me an insight into their lives as POW's. Good on Tony seeking to know the truth of his Grandfathers war experience and to learn how much a romantic he was. Very moving thank you.

However there is something better for you a digital version of his records is available on their website which you can view and print yourself. You are lucky that someone has requested a digital copy online. There are 42 pages to view and a photo as well. WOW
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