
Urban Drool

I'm still here.

I didn't get the BIG ONE, or rather, I might be offered the BIG wow gold ONE but it won't matter because what they are willing to pay me is $14,000 less per year than what I am earning now, and as we all know, I am barley making it month to month on what I earn now.

However, gentle readers, all is not lost. I had one telephone interview and 2 real-life in person interviews with buy wow weapons a (yes, I know) mid-sized law firm that seemed to go well enough that the office manager has begun salary negotiations and asking questions about what I would require in terms of health coverage. It goes without saying that I am hoping against hope against hope that I nail this one. I seriously need out of this joint.

AND!! AND AND!! I went to an excellent information wow gold night at my alma mater to discuss how many years of my life and how many heard-earned dollars I will have to sacrifice to get my teacher's license.

Answers: 1) about 3 and a half2) um, a whole lot

I was very excited, nonetheless and will begin some of my coursework THIS FALL. Am very much looking forward to, thank you so very much. (Plus? My Juris Doctorate counts as a Master's Degree - which is required to teach at public schools in my state -- at least, according to the State of Ohio Department of Education)


So, around about this past December it occurred tome that March of 2007 would mark the one year anniversary since a licensed buy wow weapons medical professional examined the inner workings of my hoo-hoo. Remembering my midwife's delicate and tactful parting words to me (to whit, "No midwife or standard OB will touch you with a 25 foot pole from now on. Best to go with a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist") I made an appointment for this month with a MFM who delivers at the hospital where Lucy was born.

I was so nervous and out of sorts and full of angst about the whole thing that I almost "forgot" to go. It literally took the Boy's prodding and constant "Hey! You're already 25 minutes late!!" and pushing me to my car etc to actually get me there.

I shouldn't have been so flipped out though. It turns out this dude is a really nice guy. 50ish, white, male, slightly nerdy, nice glasses, very nice demeanor. Answered all my questions, asked me several of his own. Explained all possible options. Was extremely gentle during the exam.

Bottom line?

1)My midwives did nothing overtly "wrong" during the course of my pregnancy, labor and delivery, but there are several things that he would have done differently.

2)I am overall very healthy, but my PCOS and borderline Gestational Diabetes I had with Lucy means that I am very likely to have very large babies again

4)My orders for the next year are thus: wean the baby (I am about 95% of the way there), go back on Yasmin, continue to eat a largely diabetic diet, come back in March of 08 for another exam and at that point we will discontinue Yasmin, begin with the Metformin and see if the Boy and I can manage to create a sibling for our little Zeus.

All in all, it's been a very productive and largely positive month.

Admittedly, my writing is growing more dry and informative and less entertaining and therapeutic with every passing post. I am seriously thinking of quitting the blogging world for while. Any thoughts?
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