
I have been CO or TO I am not sure llama nomsTrigger included

I have been CO or TO I am not sure. by my sister because I dared to let my 18 year old son move home. Â

A little background for you: My son graduated highschool last June and decided that he no longer wanted to live at home because we are to oppressive because we have things like rules and curfews. It would be wow items more fun for him to live at his aunt's house because she doesn't have rules. So no big deal to me. I knew this was a bad idea but hey he has got to learn right. So we are talking about $2000. His aunt made him pay her rent for the month of June and pay for all of the food in the house for himself and 5 other people(aunt, uncle and 3 cousins). So after almost a month he got tired of it and called and asked if he could move home. I told him the rules and he agreed and moved home. That was the end of that or so I thought.Â

Since then my sister is not speaking to me or him and he has joined the Navy and is leaving early September. wow gold She is not calling asking me for stuff. I do feel bad about my neice and nephews, but they are old enough to call me and they do, and they talk to us on the debil. She has not blocked me on the debil yet but I am not contacting her at all until she gets her head out of her ass and stops being a twatwaffle.

ETA: to buy wow weapons try and fix spelling and grammar some

Sorry ladies wasn't trying to hair flip, just a busy buy wow weapons day here for all of us. First Âday of kindergarten and such, just got the little ones down for the night. I will try and address everything you guys have covered.Â

Aimai: I did not pay her to do this to him. I just know her well she is very self centered and I knew it would happen, but he needed to learn this lesson now. He understands that this was a life lesson and he is lucky he learned so quickly or it would have been more expensive for him. He is a good kid deep down and is just trying to grow up.Â

We actually have very little contact with her because of her typical behavior. Our lifestyles are very different such as we scrimp and save money to buy what we need, our house is old, but wow gold it is ours (22 more years to go) our cars are 8 years old and we do not own a flatscreen and we always pay our bills first and IF we have anything left we may do something fun. They live paycheck to paycheck(we do too sort of), but live above their means if that makes any sense. New cars, flat screens, eat out all the time and lots of entertainment. But no plans for the future not planning to buy a home or for retirement. In her eyes we are very boring and stuck up because we don't party or hang out in bars.Â

We actually have very limited contact any way and it is almost always at our house for a birthday or holiday. I do not hang out with her a lot. Occasional phone calls and things like that. Â

As for the future I am incline to let the TO stand until she gets her head out of her ass. I will still purchase my niece and nephew's gifts for holidays and birthday's but I will not chase her to make her take them and if she doesn't want them then I will respect that.Â
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