
Best Enhancement buy wow weapons Shaman Dps Talent Spec 16

This enhancement shaman dps spec focuses on crits and procs to do a lot of damage. The clearcasting and static shock procs will create a lot of damage. Flurry makes crit one of the most important stats to stack. This is a build based around high damage one handed attacks with nature shocks and instant lightning bolts.

The first elemental shaman dps talent you will get is 5/5 convection. This helps you with the mana cost of your earth shocks and your instant lightning bolts. This is a great tier one talent.

The second elemental shaman dps talent you will get is 2/5 concussion. This is a filler point and does help a small amount with your instant lightning bolts.

The third elemental shaman dps talent you will get is 3/3 elemental devastation. This is huge and if used right could give you a 9% melee crit buff for most of the fight. This could be a 5% or more damage up from 3 points.

The fourth elemental shaman dps talent you will wow gold get is 1/1 elemental focus. This is huge for mana conservation. This adds again to crit synergy. And this build has A LOT of crit synergy.

The fifth elemental shaman dps talent you will get is 5/5 elemental fury. This adds more again to crit synergy. This will make your crits hit very hard. When you stack crit make sure you stack crit rating and not agility :P.

The first enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 5/5 ancestral knowledge. This is great because of the new raid buff replenishment and scales with mental dexterity.

The second enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 5/5 thundering strikes. You need as much crit as you can get and this helps out a good bit.

The third enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 1/3 improved shields. This is a filler point and will help a small amount with static shock.

The fourth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 3/3 elemental weapons. Everyone loves windfury and always have. This gives it a even bigger boost.

The fifth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get wow gold is 1/1 shamanistic focus. I really don't know why this overpowered talent is even here but i know you are crazy if you don't get it.

The sixth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 5/5 flurry. This is a great talent and is now even better than warrior's flurry. This adds more to crit synergy and helps out your white dps a good deal.

The seventh enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 2/2 improved windfury totem. This is a great raid utility and makes you worth the raid spot.

The eighth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 1/1 spirit weapons. This reduces your threat and we all know that that can be an issue as gear gets better.

The ninth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 3/3 mental dexterity. This is a great talent and makes you cringe a little less at all the intellect you will have on your gear.

The tenth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 5/5 unleashed rage. This is a great raid buff. It does not stack with other similar buffs, but with flurry it will stay on 100% of the time. 10% attack power for 5 points sounds good to me.

The eleventh enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 3/3 weapon mastery. 10% for 3 points is awesome. Just trust me and get this.

The twelfth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 3/3 dual wield specialization. This is great because you need to hit 12% as fast as you can. I would stop around 15 to 17% and start with crit, but the helps you hit your mark a lot faster.

The thirteenth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 1/1 dual wield. Of course you know this but i had to say it.

The fourteenth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 1/1 stormstrike. Again this is a no brainer so just get it.

The fifteenth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 3/3 static shock. You will really be surprised how much damage this does. You will be swinging fast with flurry and this will proc a lot.

The sixteenth enhancement shaman dps talent you will buy wow weapons get is 1/1 lava lash. This is a great tool for rotations and very very cheap. Get this and throw it in for extra dps.

The seventeenth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 2/2 improved stormstrike. This is of course a great talent because it compliments you main attack.

The eighteenth enhancement shaman dps talent you will wow gold get is 3/3 mental quickness. This is a great talent and is great for all your spells. This will help your shocks more than anything.

The ninteenth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 1/1 shamanistic rage. This is a great talent, scales with gear, and helps with mana. You really cant ask for more.

The twentieth enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 5/5 buy wow weapons maelstrom weapon. This talent is cool in design and is a little advance to use. You need to get a mod to call out 5 stacks, but besides that it is amazing.

The twenty-first enhancement shaman dps talent you will get is 1/1 feral spirit. This cooldown is cool looking and ok dps. I personally think it need a tad of a buff but get it anyways.
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