
Asheron's Call Community Wiki

A wide variety of creatures in the Direlands have a small chance of spawning a Champion upon death. These champions will always drop a Dire Champion Token that can be given to Aun Javhalrea south of Ayan Baqur (by the Uziz portal) for an xp reward. You are given a unique title for each creature type.

During the Stirrings in the Dark event Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden was altered to now accepts Dire Champion Tokens in amounts of 1, 10 and 100 with a daily limit of 100.

Warning! If you are going for the individual dire champion buy wow weapons titles, be sure to turn in tokens one at a time. Otherwise you'll only be awarded the title for the last Dire Champion Token you looted in a stack of 10.

Lore Dialog

Town Crier tells you, "A proliferation of 'Dire Champions' have been causing trouble in the Direlands. The Queen has enlisted the help of a Tumerok huntsman in Ayan Baqur to deal with the threat. He has hunting experience you may find useful in honing your skills."

Town Crier tells you, "I found a funny orange coin while practicing my fighting skills in the Direlands. It's probably nothing."

Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden tells you, buy wow weapons "Your Queen, Ispar Elysatah, has asked me to help control of the growing threat of certain creatures here in the Direlands."

Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden tells you, "Atuakawa, or buy wow weapons enemy warriors, called Dire Champions have been killing the unwary or unprepared who travel the Direlands. These atuakawa seem well trained and exceptionally difficult to kill."

Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden tells you, "It is my belief the creatures we fight in the Colosseum grow stronger from those battles, much as we do. These new atuakawa could be the result."

Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden tells you, "If you are able wow gold to kill one of the Dire Champions they usually have a orange coin on them. Bring me this coin as proof of your kill and I will reward your for helping to thin their number."

You give wow gold Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden Dire Champion Token.

Aun Javhalrea, the Game wow gold Warden tells you, "These tokens seem to represent the Dire Champions prowess."

Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden tells you, "Do you see the resemblance the token bears to the coins found in the Colosseum? I think that the Colosseum has been as instructive to the other inhabitants of Dereth as it has been for us."
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