
Osama bin Laden

It was Aug. embassies in East Africa were looking forward to the weekend. People came and went as usual, but then the routine was punctuated by gruesome double booms. Car bombs parked near the American compounds in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, the capitals of Kenya and Tanzania, exploded with immense power, killing 224 people and wounding 4,500. For days afterward, investigators from three countries mounted an intense hunt for clues about the culprits behind such a shocking attack. intelligence agents, who tagged bin Laden as the likely mastermind of the bombings. Termed by Washington the pre-eminent organizer and financier of international terrorism, the millionaire son of a Saudi Arabian construction magnate wow items abruptly leaped off the pages of counterterrorism files to become a household name. His reputation reached Fu Manchu-like dimensions when the White House ordered cruise missile strikes against his sanctuary in Afghanistan along with a Sudanese factory suspected of chemical weapons work and links with bin Laden. With a fortune estimated at $300 million, the 41-year-old Saudi exile sits atop a loose network of perhaps 3,000 to 5,000 allies or associates around the world. President Bill Clinton. In all events, this leader of jihad on many fronts has emerged as the most formidable Middle Eastern holy warrior. Born in Riyadh, he is the son of a building contractor from Yemen who made a fortune from his friendship with King Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud, the founder of Saudi Arabia. No sooner had Osama finished college with a business degree than the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Bin Laden volunteered to aid the mujahedin cause, at first driving a bulldozer to construct fortifications and later taking up a Kalashnikov to fight. By all accounts, he acquitted himself bravely and earned equal respect for his religious fervor. troops who poured into Saudi Arabia provoked him to denounce the desecration of the Prophet's homeland by infidels. pressure, he enjoys the tacit protection of the Afghan Taliban leaders, ardent holy warriors as well. His far-flung investments and business empire have remained almost entirely beyond Washington's reach, and the sundry movements he helps sponsor, including the International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders, have confederates in many countries. Reputedly, some of his operatives have shopped around former Soviet states for an assembled nuclear warhead, only to buy some bogus goods. But his networks are picking up pointers all the time, plugged into the Internet and following events on CNN. Oddly, Washington's campaign against him seems to be in part self-defeating, having enhanced the man's prestige and influence in the Muslim world. The prominent Saudi dissident Saad Fagih remarks, What Clinton is saying is there are two superpowers again: the United States and Osama bin Laden.
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