
What Makes Funny Babies Funny

How come? Babies are comical. Babies in the jungle are just as funny as babies anywhere else. They hit the funny bone of most everyone anywhere. Babies poop, pee, wow gold puke, drool, pass gas and we roar with laughter. If an adult did it, we would be offended, but with a baby it makes us see the humor. Why are babies so funny? Innocent the humor lies in the perceived Tests have revealed babies are just about completely self-seeking and totally aware of the results of how they behave. Babies get mad, aggrieved, and belligerent when they don't get what they want Every seemingly innocent baby is a two-foot-tall monster. Babies Respond. Pull a face at an adult and

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prepare for a fist in your face, but babies gurgle with delight. Babies respond to any stimulus. A slight variation in tone of the voice gets a baby's response. For a joker a baby is the most uncritical audience. Babies are Impulsive. A main element of humor is the unanticipated. Humor comes out of an action that is out of the ordinary scheme of things Babies are highly impulsive, pooping, peeing, belching and burping at the most unexpected times. Babies Relate. A baby's hug makes us gives us a feeling of importance. When they are excited to see us and squeal with delight, it makes us feel loving and tender. When we feel like this, laughter comes more readily. Just like laughing with a buddy since we know each other, a baby stirs amusement. Funny Baby effects. Laughter releases endorphins, creating relaxation, clears the mind, relieves pain, stress, and tension. Laughter causes heartbeat and blood pressure to lower. Breathing deepens and muscles contract and then retracts. These desirable responses arise when we find a baby hilarious. Funny things modify us. When we experience humor, we converse more, meet each other's eyes repeatedly and we lay a hand on the person. Laughing at babies is healing, relieving depression, gloom and thoughts of hopelessnes brought about by caring for a child. Our views are modified by Funny Babies. We take pleasure with the baby's features. The grandfather rolling on the floor laughing with a baby is enjoying the freedom of being childlike, departing from the hassles of adult life for a short vacation into the naiveness of infancy. We envy the free will attached to childhood. Babies connect physically, sensitively, intellectually accompanied by fortitude. Babies relate with our profound aspiration, to escape the boundaries of self through laughter. Although babies demand endless tedious work, taking our lenience to the edge, benefit is also present. Toddlers are comical. Even with those filthy diapers, milk containers and sleepless nights, infants can be readily hilarios, disposing off the adversities of rearing a child by giving a small window in time to have a glance of this world by staring at a baby.

