
Mobile wow items site optimisation and multivariant testing

A few things sprang to mind when I read that article:

So few people publish to mobile users here that an article on creating a mobile site or an article on multivariant testing would have been more use.

Multivariant testing is something that's more advanced than the average user can manage leaving more regular users out of their depth, they might get the idea but still have no idea how to impliment the suggestions made.

There is currently not an analytics package openly available which is suitable for tracking mobile web traffic. Both Bango and AdMob are releasing analtics packages over the coming weeks but again neither I feel would be suited for tracking multivariant testing. but i reckon there is a good chance i can find uses now that im doing more freelance work

Last buy wow gear edited by Ryan_steyn (2008-07-17 05:10:55)

Freelance Web Developer, Fulltime Web Developer and Lifetime student.

A+ Certified, wow gold Network+ Certified, Security+ Certified, SCJP.

The brain is an amazing thing, train it for a week and you will be in awe, train it for a month and it will alter your life in ways you never knew were possible.

Cool, all wow items evidence of my intervention is removed

I have always been quite fascinated by miniaturization of things, so to get into a website miniaturization mindset wow gold should be really interesting to say the least. Only issue i would have is screen sizes, 320x240 seems to be the trend in all modern handsets though, plus the ability to view pages in one column helps. assuming the designer gets all is "ducks" in row so that the footer doesnt end up on top.

Personally though i would like to make mobi sites that dont need to be adjusted on a 320x240 screen. Similar to mobile banking sites. Very very interesting market IMO. Have you built a couple of sites i/others can check out? ye know, not the plain text sites but the more imaginative kind of stuff. (youtube mobile for example)

Mkay, i have fiddled, played. or at least i think it wont?) but its still a little webpage built specifically wow gold for viewing on mobile devices. data charges are still harsh.) I have added some links to download images and video clips. what i dont know is how one goes about getting the phone to save those images and clips as opposed to simply viewing. For the video clips, would 3gp be sufficient with maximum compatibility over the various mobile devices?

So far i have tested it on my samsung i780, a nokia N80 and a Sony Ericson walkman thingy and it looks great all round

AtWhatCost, you know "you" can change the font size hold "ctrl" and "+" to increase or "-" to decrease. Well. it works in firefox anyway Mobile phones wow items also give you the option to enlarge the font. which is what makes it so much harder to make mobile websites, the user can twist and change the layout of site=s to suit there needs, be it transforming pages to be viewed in one column, fitted to screen or as a desktop pc. Font sizes to images displaying. eish, all these have to taken into account before one can have a fully compatible mobile site. mine is not entirely functional yet

Matte, if you go to the site mentioned by mobtex you will see a link on the left which validates your site for mobile readiness, its pretty cool and also offers a little emulation box. although it doesnt work to well
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