
Lammasu Pets in Blizzard Pet Store WOW

Dear wowers, new pets are to be introduced to Blizzard pet store. It is Lam masu, a new titan. Not long ago, u have ridden the great Griffon to experience the Azeroth. Now u can purchase a mini Lam masu pet which will accompany you to everywhere, protecting you when in danger, or diverting u from boredom.

The new pet has frightening eyes, but it is also very lovely. Lam masu is the first pet that be dealt in the playing process. That means the pet can be sent to different wow gear accounts of urs, or to ur friends, relatives as gifts. U do not have to spend much time on piles of adoption file. As a Lam masu guardian, it is loyal. What's more important, it is loyal only to his master. To put it simple, it is a bound pet. Once u relate the pet to class, it can never be changed. When choosing a class, players are supposed to be careful to pick up a good master for the pet. After several weeks, the pet will be available. Now let's see how this flying pet differs from other pets in store.

A: Different from other pets, Lam masu is a pet that can be dealt and ground. The pet is ground to certain class forever and can be used only once. Once u purchase the Lam masu online, ur class will receive a pet and put it into the pocket. U can use the pet directly and relate ur class to the pet forever. At the same time, this item will be consumed. Or, u can sell ur pet to other players after the cool time. Remember, once a pet is added to other players' column, it cannot be dealt any more. So, every player, give a warm family to ur pet.

Q: Can players bring more than one pet with them?

A: Though a class can only attach one pet, wow gold players can store more Lam masu to their pockets and banks. Remember, Lam masu cannot be superposed. That means every pet will occupy one position of ur pocket.

A: Similar to other pets wow gold in store, Lam masu costs 10 dollars. All the Lam masu guardians sale shall not return.

Q: Why make this pet tradable?

A: Since the pet store is available, many players have requested that pets can be bought with virtual cash. The of this pet (similar to attachment of wow TCG to rides.) makes it possible for players to get their favorite pets in various ways. Apart from trade, players can give Lam masu to other classes as gifts. For example, the guild leader can award the members with pets. This is a good way to prevent offering fake pets code.

Q: Can players make money by auctioning Lam masu?

A: The Blizzard is targeting at providing pets to players. They are not against auctioning pets to get gold. But even if u put it in the AH, it is not sure whether other players will purchase it. And the price is unknown. Blizzard is against buying game gold out of blizzard. For in most cases, this gold is stolen from other accounts. Players' auctioning deeds may foster the black market of buying gold and increase the danger of account theft.

Q: Will all the pets in store have the same mode with Lam masu?

A: NO. Only the Lam masu can be traded.

Q: What about late-developed pets in store? Will these pets have the same mode with Lam masu?

A: It depends. This change of Lam masu is owing to players' advice. The Blizzard will make more changes after the development of Lam masu. They will gather advice from players continually.

