
For how many seasons did Tommy Maddox play for the Steelers

Tommy wow gold Maddox Steelers Jersey

Tommy wow items Maddox (Steelers - away)

Wow Factor of the Jersey: 8.5 out of 10. This picture was wow items taken at a bar when the Steelers were playing in the Super Bowl vs the Cardinals. Maddox was four years removed from being on the Steelers. This y'inzer was even bold enough to get the Away Whites.

Why this jersey is awesome: Amazingly it has nothing to do with the fact that Maddox used to sell insurance before the Steelers called on him to be their QB. We've all heard that story before. The only difference between him and Kurt Warner is which crappy buy wow gear job they had, a Super Bowl MVP, and about 9 trillion passing yards. The real reason is because this jersey should have never been purchased in the first place. Unless you are an immediate family member of Tommy Maddox there are exactly zero reasons why you should buy his jersey. Yes he went 7-3-1 in the 11 games that he started when he took over for Kordell Stewart in 02′, but he didn't exactly light the world on fire. He still had almost as many INT's (16) as TD's (20) and he fumbled the ball 8 times. True to form Maddox followed up that season with a 6-10 record and a 18/17 TD to INT ratio. Even buying a Bubby Brister jersey would have made way more sense than buying a Tommy Maddox. At least Bubby played six seasons with the Steelers.

My one and only Tommy Maddox Story: In 2005 Tommy Maddox was starting at home for the injured Ben Roethlisberger vs the Jaguars. I'm sitting on the couch watching the game in full Steelers gear with my girlfriend at the time and her friend Sarah. The night before we had gone out to the bars and tied one on like many 26 year olds are known to do. At some wow items point in the third quarter I look across the room and notice that Sarah starts convulsing in her chair. All of a sudden she stops, lays motionless, and turns blue. When I say that she turns blue I'm talking the color of a smurf. Freaking blue. We have no clue what in the world is going on so we call 911. At the time I thought that I had a dead person laying on my floor. Also, the Steelers and Jags are all tied up in the 4th quarter. A few minutes later the EMT's come in an ambulance and take over the situation. At this point the Steelers and Jags are starting OT. Right as they are wheeling Sarah out on a stretcher Tommy Maddox throws a perfect strike…right to Rashean Mathis. Unfortunately Mathis is on the Jags and he took it 41 yards to the house and the Steelers lost. Sarah ended up being OK. In her drunken stupor that night she had thrown up the epilepsy medication that she was on and also neglected to tell any of her friends that she was on it. I'll always remember that as one of the craziest days of my life…and the day that Tommy Maddox gave away the game.

Fast forward a few days later and my Dad tells this story to some 50 year old guys that he plays basketball with at the YMCA at noon in Pittsburgh. After finishing the story one of the guys says, "The nerve of that girl…to do this during a Steelers game !?!". Freaking y'inzers.
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