
Where to get bracelet making instructions with a twist

I have a plain, silver ring that has a lot of meaning behind it, but I would like to stop wearing it on my finger and thought of the idea of making a bracelet that holds the ring. The best thing I can come up with is using a piece of nice looking string and tying both end to the ring., but that's pretty lame.

I know that there are some great craft sites out there, but I haven't been able to find any instructions for my buy wow gear idea on google. I'd love some ideas or recommendations of sites to look through. I've already found sites on bracelet making, so I don't need any of that, but rather instructions for using a ring in a bracelet, or something that I could adapt towards my idea. Also, I'm a college-aged male, so I'm not looking for anything pretty like this. Manly jewelry only, please :)


posted by niles to grab bag (7 answers total)

You could obtain a chain mail bracelet like posted by contraption at 3:02 PM on June 17, 2008

Something like leather cord, end caps, and wow gold clasps at Fire Mountain, and their website has lots of tips and tutorials if you need help putting the rest together.

posted by logic vs love at 3:55 PM on June 17, 2008

Maybe there is someone on Etsy that could do this for you on commission?

posted by radioamy at 4:09 PM on June 17, 2008

Wow, that etsy site has a lot of great stuff. I really like those links. I'll have to head over to the craft store later tonight and see they have. Keep the ideas coming! Thanks!

posted by wow items niles at 5:09 PM on June 17, 2008

You will find a lot more help and better supplies at your local bead store than at a generic craft store.

The staff are likely to be avid beaders - and most bead stores will make up wow gold jewelry for you for a fee. (The advantage here is you won't need to buy tools you may only use once). Either way - they will have a much better selection of items to make the very attractive leather or chainmail designs suggested by phunniemee or contraption, or something similar.

posted by AuntLisa at 10:30 AM on June 18, 2008

I ended up piecing together something rather simple, but I think it looks pretty good. It's based both on the image phunniemee linked to along with on etsy. Thanks for all of the ideas!

