
for landscaping front of house Old plants had been removed already

He did the following: 1) added 20 bags of top soil, 2) planted 6 flowering shrubs, 6 evergreens and 12 perennial flowers, 3) put in 65- 12" edging stones at about ground level, 4) spread 10- 40 lb bags of bark mulch. This all took 15 hours over a 4 day period. How much per hour is a good price to pay.

Having trouble wow gold posting reply so here it is.

BosM - Before he started the landscaping he wow items was cutting my lawn using my mower - he has no equipment. I am paying for the lawn each week separate from the landscaping.

Newfietom - He wow items is 22 years old. Can I hire you for $8/hour? :)

I did buy and pick up all the materials and he used my equipment. He just did the manual labor. Before he started I tried to get an agreement on how much he would charge but he wanted to wait until the job was done. I think I will pay by the hour and we will have come to an agreement of how much - in the $15-20 range. I will need him to do some plantings in the back yard when he finishes the front an

Landscaping is both science and art, and wow gold requires good observation and design skills. A good landscaper understands the elements of nature and construction, and blends them accordingly.

Thales, an early Greek philosopher known for his view that "all is water," spent a considerable time thinking about the nature and scope of landscaping. Some of his students believed that wow items in order for human activity to be considered landscaping, it must be directed toward modifying the physical features of the land itself, including the cultivation and/or manipulation of plants or other flora. Thales rejected this notion, arguing that any aspect of the material world affecting our visual perception of the land was a proper subject for landscaping. Both Plato and Aristotle praised Thales' analysis as a model for philosophy. Moore cited Thales' reasoning as one of the few historical examples of how philosophical inquiry has led to genuine human understanding and progress.

Philosophers in the 17th century debated whether visual beauty was a necessary goal of landscaping. With the advent wow gold of the positivists by the early 20th century, however, most western philosophers had rejected the notion of an objective esthetic standard for any form of art, including landscaping. Practitioners since the mid-20th century have experimented with jarring visual panoramas that are now generally accepted, at least in western societies, as falling within the scope of landscaping.

He may be family, but if pay is involved, it is a job. If the terms are agreed upon to begin with, you have no worry about having family backlash later. Landscaping labor is not cheap, and if he did this work alone, even using your materials, supplies, and tool, it is a long, hot, hard job. The price range you have come up with sounds very fair, and you two should negotiate from 15 upwards. Somewhere in between would be competitive to commercial pay. Not to professional pay, but for standard landscaping labor.

