
craigslist resell

It'll help if you know something well. My younger brother fixes wind instruments -- saxophones, clarinets, flutes, etc and etc. He purchases them on ebay, fixes them up, cleans them up, sells them on Craigslist. He might make a few bucks off it but I think it's mostly a way to help other people and to support his saxophone and flute habit -- you should see the ones he's kept. My god.

Another family member knows some really obsolete computer console and controllers -- I have no idea what wow items it is but he damn sure does, played them as a kid -- he buys them cheap on ebay, fixes/cleans them up, takes very, very high quality photos, sells on ebay and/or craigslist. It is mostly fun I think but also damn sure supports his puter habits, he's got the toys.

I've sold about anything on craigslist, you can scarce believe how much fun it can be, and/or how aggravating, often at the wow gold exact same time. You'll learn patience or die, you'll slit your wrists in frustration if you're not willing to learn to play by its rhythms and in its time. But find out what you know, like my family members did, be willing to buy on CL or ebay, clean/fix the stuff up, then take high-quality photos, then cast your bread out upon the waters, and see what happens.

Have fun!

posted by wow gold dancestoblue at 1:21 AM on December 8, 2009

I've noticed a local seller specializing in good quality used baby gear: high chairs, cribs, changing tables and the like.

posted by toastedbeagle buy wow gear at 4:00 AM on December 8, 2009 [1 favorite]

Furniture that is listed as "old tat" and can be resold as "genuine antique".

Crappy old pine chest of drawers

posted by wow items emilyw at 7:38 AM on December 8, 2009

As a frequent buyer and seller of baby stuff on Craigslist, I'd be wary buying or selling to a non-parent.

posted by wow gold k8t at 8:00 AM on December 8, 2009

It would have to be things you have a reliable source of supply for and can get for prices significantly lower than they sell for on Craigslist in your area. Do a market scan and supply-source scan first.

