
What are some lessons learned through playing The Sims that are useful in other parts of life

There are so many things that I have learned from wow gold playing the Sims 1, 2, and 3. (I also played The Sims Online, but I not really sure what I learned there!) A few that have stuck with me over the years:

1. Upgrading some household goods can improve your quality of life dramatically.

As Mike Sellers mentioned in his answer, The Sims is supposed to wow items be anti-consumerist and teach you that the most valuable resource is time. However, one of the things I learned was that by spending some money to upgrade things in the home, you can buy more time.

The most obviously important household item any Sims player learns to upgrade is the bed. Beds range in price from §100-§1,000 and increase energy and buy wow gear comfort. Cheap beds generally have a lower Energy status, meaning they require Sims to sleep for a longer period of time before they are fully rested. You can try to save money by buying a cheaper bed, but by spending more money on a bed of higher quality, you can gain in time and energy. See #1 on Yishan Wong answer to Life Lessons: What life lessons are counter-intuitive or go against common sense or wisdom?

When my husband and I were in the market for a new bed a couple of years ago, we decided not to skimp on a quality mattress. Also, appliances that are well-made and smartly-designed can save you headache and hassle.

2. "Friendships are like plants. If you don care for them, they wither and die."

Repeated interactions between Sim acquaintances tends to increase their relationship level. wow items Over time the relationship level decreases. In the Sims, if you have a relationship that is decreasing to a low level, your Sim receives a phone call reminder with the above quote.

The Sim can maintain an ailing friendship by calling up or emailing the friend. If the friendship is too weak, they may decline an invitation to come over or hang out. Maintaining a friendship requires at least one of the participants to put forth some effort and both participants to give of their time.

Since most of us don get automated reminders in real life wow gold when we are starting to lose touch with friends, it important to make note of the ones you like to keep and be sure to check in with them from time to time.

3. Certain activities fulfill only one need; others fulfill multiple needs at once. By engaging in the latter type of activities, you can get more out of the limited number of hours in the day.

For example, eating alone remedies hunger. However, eating with other people around remedies both Hunger and Social needs. The more needs an activity or situation fulfills, the better the use of your time. By this standard, for Sims, soaking in a hot tub with friends is the crème de la crème of need fulfillment and therefore time use. Or fulfill a need, build skills, and allow you to earn money! Sims example: drawing or painting on the easel. It fulfills the need for Fun, increases one Creativity or Painting skill, and completed paintings can be sold for Simoleans (the in-game currency).

Your mileage may vary on which activities are best for you, but once you figure out what they are, you should feel free to spend a good chunk of your time on them. For me, it tennis -- fulfills Fun and Social, improves Body. (Unfortunately, it decreases Hygiene.)

People are motivated by different things. Some people are motivated primarily by relationships, whereas others are primarily motivated by the pursuit of knowledge, or a wish to make money.

