
DSL vs Cable

We dont get cable down here in Africa Ive always wanted cable cause of the download speeds. this is the stuff i had to study to wow items be a pc engineer. made me so envious of you foreign foke We do however get ADSL, which is as fast as it gets down here, if you have money you can get 1024 coneection which kicks ass but downloading is always a mission. Our whole office is linked to it and i still get 56kb/s download speeds. sometimes. which is cool. i think you guys are far ahead of us though, three years ahead last time i checked.

Be warned though, your adsl will be functioning in sync with your phone company. we are run by telkom, they are idiots and we lose internet at least once a week "due to people working on lines" so be careful with that. you will buy wow gear go mad. T1 is the way forward, a dedicated line is my dream connection, guaranteed connection speeds. wow. Cable is good as far as my books can tell, although they are more susceptable to interference than adsl and do run the risk of dropping your connection randomly. adsl is only stuffed up by stupid phone companies that cant maintain damn lines!!! (im fairly grumpy, i only got online at 14:30, because "they were working on lines". and then blamed our lack of connection on the router. which we got from them and then they said it was the modem. i agreed. then after hanging up, realised the router was the modem. waited 15min on the phone listening to elevator music and gave up. now im online) my cellphones edge is more reliable! rant over

I have Verizon DSL (768 kbs). Last summer there FIOS (fiber optic service)(5MB) became available. My neighbor acros the street had Comcast cable. My DSL was faster than his Comcast. A friend of mine, who downloads massive files, changed to FIOS from Comcast. FIOS is being offerred for $39.99 for 3 moths and then $49.99. My DSL was $37.99 a month, but I just agreed to a one year contract that cuts it to $21.99 for the first three months and $23.99 the remaining nine. This option is not necessarily renewable. I had a similar offer the year before last. Verizon has a faster DSL that is $34.99 per month. FIOS email is definitely faster than Comcast. 768kbs meets my needs.

