
Hammer of the Gods Review

So, the brothers have decided to stop messing around and just kick everyone ass. What the plan? Who knows? This new decision is all just based on Dean exclamation. In this episode, the brothers appear to just randomly driving across country waiting to hear if Bobby has any luck finding them a way to deal with the apocalypse. The duo pulls into a hotel for a break and Dean couldn be more thrilled. The hotel is a four star paradise, if a little kitschy, on a one star highway. Sam is suspicious as always and he rightfully should be because it doesn take long for the Gods to get crazy. The Pagan Gods are pissed at what the Christians are up to with the whole apocalypse business and they intend to get in the game by using Sam and Dean. Perhaps the most fascinating thing about this episode is the back-story that is given to the Pagan Gods versus that of the Christian one. The Pagan Gods all have bad ass names like Kali, Baldur, Ganesh, and Mercury but when it comes down to it, are they really that much more powerful than a really tenacious demon? Speaking of Kali, she is played by Rekha Sharma who you may remember as Tory from Battlestar Galactica and now from V. The show already features Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer. He also on a little show called LOST playing the Jacob character, another supernatural being. A little fanboy winking is fun, but having both of these characters in the same episode was honestly a little distracting. That a fairly minor quibble of what was overall a fantastic episode of Supernatural.

We know that Michael and Lucifer need Sam and Dean as their hosts so that the two of them can face off. If that the case the why do other brothers wow gold get involved in the fight, take sides, and try to kill Lucifer? If they can just kill each other then why involve Sam and Dean? It mostly boils down to prophecy. Lucifer and Michael are the most powerful brothers in the family so the prophecy says they must face off against each other through human hosts. Could they actually fight without human hosts? Have they ever even tried? This may have possibly been covered in a previous episode. If so it should have been refreshed in the section of the show opener.

This episode was fairly dramatic in that it meant the end of the road for one major character and the setting of the path for the end of this story. It hard to lose popular characters but it a gutsy move made common by the likes of Joss Whedon. We talking Supernatural here, so death doesn necessarily always mean On that subject though, the drama is building in such a way that it feels like another major character might get the axe. The only choices left from a dwindling cast are Bobby and Cass. Sam and Dean have to live at least to the end of the last season. Now wouldn that be a dark series finale?

This episode also features perhaps the best Dean monologue of the entire season. When he forced to address the Pagan Gods, he does it in classic Ash from Army of Darkness wow gold style, being so on the nose that he even uses a line from the movie. Calling a table full of Gods screwheads is a really great thing. The Motel Hell reference is also worth mentioning. That line may feel like just a funny joke especially in context to the sheer number of in the place but it also a reference to a campy horror classic. Dean owned this episode with Sam just following along behind him for the most part. Dean the big brother, he pissed off, and he ready to fight.

Hopefully, the finale of this lengthy story arc isn as obvious as it seemed by the closing credits of this installment. Even wow items if the end does go as it appears that it will the story has been very entertaining over the last two seasons. Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. That not to say that the final three episodes of this season won be great because this show has been on a real roll lately and hopefully it will continue to the season end.

This show has been "on a roll" since day 1. As soon as I caught the name of the hotel, I knew buy wow gear something was up. Including pagan gods in this Supernatural lore is genius and just makes so much sense. Its also pretty interesting how they explain what happened to them. Lucifers disdain for them is pretty apparent. I don't see how having Rekha and Pellegrino in the same episode was "distracting" at all. I think its easy to separate the various shows that they are on.

Dean's rant was awesome and funny as hell. I was sad to see Gabriel go considering he was such a pain in the ass for the brothers. Lucifer seemed actually pretty broken up about kiilling him. I was wondering how the brothers were going to get out of this and at least we know what their stratergy is.

At least we got wow gold to finally see Pestilence. Dude was nasty. I like the guy playing him though.

Another A ep

Matt Frewer.

Lucifer was banished to Hell, and the Archangels are pretty wow items much stuck in Heaven until the horn of the Apocalypse sounds. Basic Judeo-Christian mythology explains why Micheal and Lucifer can't duke it out anywhere except on Earth in human vessels.

The Pandora reference gave me a giggle since I think it was Gabriel sliding in a smart-ass remark about Avatard.

Now we know what the rings are for. Finally. Also, anyone else get the vibe from this episode that God may actually be a prisoner in Heaven?

