
The Fall of Kalundor part 1

The once proud land of Kalundor was beginning to feel the grip Sy'Daka. (god of fate) The north and west borders were falling to the savage barbarians. Each attack shaved precious land from the empire. Elitar, Kalundors final port city, survived two bloody raids. A third may well sever a vital trading route. Without the Order of Keldin to protect the streets, corruption dwelled in the crevices of the night.

The royal house faced a dire dilemma. They could concede a quarter of their land by giving the savages the north in exchange for the port of Elitar to the west. Of course this would not be accomplished through simple negotiations, the savages knew nothing of diplomacy. Instead they would have to pull their armies from the north to fortify Elitar. This meant sacrificing cities, villages, homeland if not thousands of loyal people would be slaughtered.

The other option would be to try and hold out. Elitar would eventually fall, the north farm lands would recede and the empire would no longer be able to feed its people. This would mean a slow painful death to the largest empire Domynia has ever known.

Reluctantly king Auron gave the order to abandon the north. The armies were to hold out one week to allow the people time to leave their homes and start the trek south.


'Ello Captain my name is Adracko and I want to help defend this fine city, but I need a bit o trainin first. Give me a sword an sheild an I'll fight till the end.

He is sitting in a small tavern type place, waiting for something to happen and eyeing the laidies, not realy sure why he is in a town.

Adracko walks into wow gold the local tavern and sees a stranger at a table.

"Hello good wow gear sir my name is Adracko whats yours?"

Looking up from a drink he hadnet touched he looked at the man now infront of him, "Caleb, traveler of sorts. And I wow gold have been known to be a hired man for any job." He looked back down at his cup, then slowly put it on the table, as soon as the cup touched a table there was a small knife slowly sppining on the rim of the large up. "I am rather good at what I want to do," he smiled, looking up at the man. "And what about your self?"


I am an owner of a farm north of Elitar. I'm preparing for what is rumored to wow items be one of the largest battles in weeks. Yet I have not seen you around and it seems you would be a good warrior for this battle, if you fight with me I would wish to travel with you, because my farm is bound to be destroyed from the battle.

An elven knight bearing studded leather armor and a sober face walked briskly into the tavern. Ignoring the half naked bar maid carrying two mugs of fresh ale he stood next to the table seating Caleb and Adracko. Idly resting his left hand on the hilt he said my name is Rasmin Vaildor, Knight of Keldin. I understand that you are the two mercenaries hired to accompany me? waiting for an answer shall leave immediately. Our horses are waiting in the stables with all necessary supplies. If you have any questions ask me on the road, our time runs dry.

