
What is one serious concern you have with our current world

There is a very strong trend toward religious fundamentalism and radical religious views these days. These views tend to be angry and aggressive toward other views -- sort of the "soldier ants" of religion.

This is a reaction to post-modernism. Because the world is changing so rapidly, there is a lot of anxiety afloat in the world: people don know what they can count on; there uncertainty about values, the future, etc. Basically, we afraid on a global level, and aren quite sure which threats are most serious.

This environment of uncertainty and anxiety creates ideal wow gold kopen conditions for fueling radical religious fundamentalism. There a strong drive to revert to frameworks from the past and cling to them for a sense of certainty.

The problem with this is that these views are very divisive, at a time when we need to find ways to produce greater harmony and cooperation. Thus this drive back to traditional views, which arises from fear, is in fact making the world a more dangerous place.

Now more than ever, we need to press for greater tolerance and generosity, to learn to see ourselves as a global community, to recognize the interdependence of all nations, people, and the environment. The loud, angry voices of regression should not be allowed to drown out the call of a sustainable and peaceful future for our planet.

I not saying we reverted to modernism: fundamentalism predates modernism. Modernism centered on the notion that science would lead us into an "enlightened age". This has not happened and looks very doubtful wow gold ideal to most people, and that "failure" of modernism is one of the defining sources of the nervousness known as post-modernism. This nervousness is what drives people back toward something that seems more stable, seeking security and a fixed frame of reference. So post-modernism is driving a regressive search for solid ground. What we need is the ability to walk FORWARD into the future -- aware of our past, and respectful of it, but not constrained by it or clinging to it. That takes courage: something that fundamentalism undermines by presenting simplistic answers for complex problems.

RF: Good point about the search for meaning. However, I don think that those views are the same sort of reaction to post-modernism: these are fairly new developments on the scene, not the kind of back-to-tradition trends that are referenced in my post. On the topic of meaning, yes. the quest for meaning *seems* to demand a fixed frame of cognitive reference, such as provided by those traditions. It doesn really, but that feeling is widespread. The fear of nihilism -- emptiness and meaninglessness -- is probably a good descriptor for this anxiety.

I would pull our troops out of Iraq. I would look deeper within our population to find compassionate people who could reason with them. I would put down our own weapons of mass destruction and start taking care of our own people. We have so many people here in the United States who are in desperate need of help, while big businesses are continually getting huge tax breaks, and our population is suffering. We need a leader that is looking to reason with people, not one who is going to finish a war his daddy started just to prove a point. I know others may not agree with me, but this is my opinion.

People pick holes and point out the faults in scientific theories such as evolution and the big bang- I don actually have a problem with that, the point of science is to constantly question and re-evaluate- it when they assume that because there a few holes in the theory the alternative is a world created entirely in seven days, people made of mud, a magic tree and a talking snake and they won hear any different. It makes me despair of the human race ever being able to move forward and engage with new ideas. Its not the issue itself that worries me, its the attitude I think it an indication of.

Corporate corruption. That the pursuit of money is the highest common denominator even if that relegates entire populations to the roles of cogs in a gigantic faceless machine. If a ceo has a moment of clarity and wants to make his company less toxic to the world, he can lose his job because the implementation of his ideas costs money and he has promised to do whatever however within the law to bring in dollars. Every drop ship, helicopter and humvee delibrately has assemblies built in all 50 states so that if someone says, well maybe we don need 2,000 humvees next month, every senator and/or congressman gets riled up. "Would you put x amount of families out of work?"

Corporate corruption is the real reason we are at war.

That to many people are buying into the drama and hype of the Al "Chicken Little" Gore BS theory of global warming.

It a hoax folks, it propaganda to keep you fearful, and susceptable to government control. buy wow gold As long as they use these fear tactics, they control you, that their job, thats what they do. The evidence presented is falsified and spin doctor Just like terrorism, they want to instill a fear in us that will result in a world of enviromental extreamism.

No government can save us from terrorism, no government can save wow gold you from the sun that manipulates our weather, anymore than anyone can stop an asteroid from smacking into earth, or a mass extinction virus. It all just a false sense of security.

The planet is doing fine, has been for billions of years. It not going anywhere folks. we are, pack your shit folks, we going away. And the planet will get along fine without us. This planet has been through a lot worse than us, and it will survive us.
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