
Blizzard said the smooth buy wow gold progress of Warcraft in China are confident that through the approval

The long delay in the approved version of the Department of World of Warcraft is undoubtedly difficult to press down to wait for many players to appease wow gold ideal millions of players in China, Blizzard Entertainment, International Affairs Director Michael Reid said the Warcraft in China's approval process all , adding that Blizzard has the confidence to get the approval of Warcraft in China-bit network (Chinabyte) on August 31, the delay did not pass the version for approval by the Department of World of Warcraft is undoubtedly so many players difficult to press down to wait, to appease in China millions of players, Blizzard Entertainment International Affairs Director Michael />

Reid said, Blizzard has been conducting with buy wow gold the approval of hard work, and claimed Warcraft has made great progress in the handover from Ninetowns to NetEase />

Reid also believes that the World of Warcraft wow gold ideal on the Chinese government has a huge cultural problem, but Blizzard for the game to get the final green movement deeply self-confident. />

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Blizzard and agent of the R & D side Warcraft NetEase Warcraft open service work made comprehensive preparations, NetEase even at huge cost free way to attract a large number of old players in the game does not delete files, even NetEase also has begun the GAPP head of the World of Warcraft official website advertising booking just a media interview that />

Analysts believe that the degree of complexity of the approval of the World of Warcraft was significantly higher than the other games from the practice of the examination and approval of imported online games, in his personal opinion, this intermediate involved to relationships, is no longer just limited to the game content itself . '
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