
Ten BUG wow gold ideal on the history of the World of Warcraft

In addition to the large copy of a small copy of the World of Warcraft same good to go out, dug grass mining mining earn material, and some BUG allows these small copy of the treasury became players. Players only in the world of Azeroth risky period, doom is the most popular single brush copy, in accordance with normal play even better your equipment can not be a man penetrated 60 a copy, but through the use of the BUG Hunter, Warlock with a pet career single brush doom BOSS was the dream of every fighter Tu Longgang else can get a lot of blue outfit and gold coins in the doom a copy that can reach, so also Dire Maul hunters and SS little treasuries buy wow gold open piece of information hunters and SS again found their own coffers, a copy of the hero fence became Outland Dire Maul. Hero fence BOSS Hunter and SS can be singled out, but this is not the most critical, because in accordance with the normal settings for each copy of the hero can only play once a day, but died out through a simple bug in the immediate concern of the 3rd boss then copy the difficulty set to normal, then transferred back to the hero, will be able to reset the copy. In this way, every day in Chatal can see the hunters and SS shouting purple fitted with a brush, Primal Nether and Badges of Justice, to the boss, as long as the contact on the purchaser, one hour a sure win hundreds of G play the game the most depressing What is that? A hang is not the most depressing, the most depressing team hang together. Copy adventure, death only by the other players out of combat to life, or run the body, and in some BOSS battle with constantly downsizing will be increasingly difficult, the final destruction of the whole group, but in the past The remote version, we can BUG situ resurrection, no priest save, do not need to Druid battle resurrection, you are a hero to battle. Specific approach: after the death of the opt-out to the character selection screen, countdown countdown appears, select Cancel to exit in the last 1 second to last 0 seconds, and this time you have been unable to terminate the exit command will still return to the character selection screen landing the game characters again you will find your soul in the copy, this time you can do a lot of things, or immediately place the resurrection, or the first pass through a wall or a door and then resurrected. With this BUG, ​​in addition to the impact on the team can minimize the death, you can also drag the body method to skip a copy of mobs to kill BOSS. Then is the use of a lot of people so a single brush Scholomance BUG certain skills and network requirements, I succeeded only once, or wasteland old MC 10, but unfortunately up next to his teammates and fried.

In versions prior to 2.3, the Horde players almost Arathi battlefield do not report a glimmer of hope, because they face is not into the battle to lose half of the dilemma. The base of the Alliance Party, a small hill by jumping to the top of the hill, and then pulls out the walls, one minute before the battle officially began, Alliance players will be able to occupy the five resource points, and then direct pressure to the tribal doorstep blockade this is a nightmare for Horde players and unfair end-League players do this get a title Arathi frog team. BUG to 2.3 has finally been fixed, but greater BUG 2.3 in the battlefield, this for later. Coincidentally, but now looks like the tribe can jump out Horde players can also groan by jumping some cheap, in tribal house resources point farm Master jumped onto the roof above the defense, which thieves want to steal the flag simply is created for itself, but this BUG relative to the previous one seem not worth the advance text mentioned, 2.3 battlefield greater BUG is to refer to the Austrian Alexander battlefield honor BUG. In 2.3 open less than two or three days, there are players dig out the BUG, ​​the players received the honor can be turned several times to master the timing of the burning towers, a large battlefield to play down you can get a 2000 honors The new version of Okuyama battlefield joined the starting point of 600 reinforcements, whenever one's own own players, NPC death, the outpost was destroyed, points will be reduced, the death of the captain, the generals died, points directly down to 0. The first exhausted each other reinforcements party win. BUG brush honors method is the use of a new version of the loopholes in the rules, the basic process is as follows:

First Alliance and Horde both sides not to open the other outpost, nor can the generals kill must be consumed all the other reinforcements way to end the fighting, reinforcements in the last probably buy wow gold 30 points when ignited all whistle tower. The new version of the Austrian mountain outpost occupation time of 4 minutes, victory off the battlefield for 2 minutes, as long as the fight is won within two minutes after the outpost was burned, received the honor side can be doubled, so as long as it does not quit after the end of the battle, players 4000 honor battlefield waiting for the outpost in the occupied will be able to get double the honor, a total of eight of the entire battlefield Alliance and Horde outpost, so the theoretical maximum can be doubled to eight times

Unlimited brush gold BUG appear undoubtedly will ruin the economy of the entire World of Warcraft, in just a few minutes you can copy hundreds of millions of gold coins (each player carrying the upper limit of the gold coins is far not so high). Before talking about BUG allows players to obtain additional benefits but also not to mention the impact of the entire system of the game world, BUG indeed like a cancer if not removed in a timely manner will be out of control, and good Blizzard timely the server to fix this BUG Close this BUG not by trading gold trading to another person a penny of the money on a number leftover of Warcraft server, and then off the assembly line in on himself money or the same as the original, and trading out of the money remains in the wallet of another person, through repeated transactions a few minutes you can get tens of thousands of gold coins, originally found this BUG people use the money in order to prevent the replication of Blizzard trace gold looted gold coins of the entire auction will be replaced by goods BUG Union unique. Daguai gain experience set in the World of Warcraft team will be calculated in accordance with the character level experience, if senior figure with the lower figure, the lower figures have very little experience, and even without the team, senior figures to help lower figures killing also But using more harm proportion allocated experience the Searing Gorge BUG task, senior figures to help lower figure kill monsters to gain experience as possible, because it is strange task of the reasons for the lower figures only need to attack first under, and the rest go to the thugs. solve, but also to get the full experience up to 1900 experience, even if 59 characters kill time can get about 500 points. Another key task strange unlimited reset, kill one can immediately summon a you can kill how quickly summon multiple BUG task Union exclusive task. You 42 when, in the the Searing Gorge 5:00 position (cinder mining field), a dwarf lying on the ground you can see, this is an escort mission, this continuous task has been done the last step 52 elite task Aobisidun able BUG brush experience. Monster NPC only 10,000 blood thugs powerful enough to find, such as the five well-equipped thieves or mad war 10 seconds put the monster down to the ground, then you will be able to get the experience of over 1000 in 10 seconds, according to this figure can get the experience of hundreds of thousands, from 42-60 only need a few hours BUG task existed for a long time, until the recent 2.3 version elite task modify the old world, this task becomes became common tasks makes kill monsters can not get as much experience, at the same time kill will not get the full experience rewards, although still capable of infinite refresh this monster, but to gain experience of the speed reduction also let BUG lost use value may be as a Paladin World of Warcraft BUG ranked third place is not appropriate, but that a career is the most terrible BUG BUG version now no longer exists this BUG Knight. Knight talent skills in the last version, liquidation absolutely BUG skills countless Knight PVP enthusiasts the liquidation as essential skills, when superimposed dozen liquidation, sighting enemy's head split in the past is a string of injuries, died of a sudden people keep track of liquidation skills, the Paladin by crit damage accumulated a number of attacks launched in the next attack. In past versions, liquidation unlimited stacking there is no limit to the number of times, which is especially good in the melee, Knight's own tough anti-strike capability, the first to bring the shield in the battlefield melee accumulate liquidation, change hands and arms accumulation of a certain number of selected a target a dozen times knifed down attack, a knife injury 5,6 hundred Knife is 5,6 thousand, plus crit the 6000 blood at that soldiers even era of Xueniu is to see who seconds who. Can survive, of course, how to withstand a dozen times crit became a Paladin who most need to grasp things to take advantage of this BUG Paladin singled out any wild elite BOSS. First, through a certain method to obtain a sufficiently large number of liquidation, such as looking for a similar camp thieves do with the (thieves crit high) initiate a duel invitation put garbage weapons like Knight, then accumulate to Knight liquidation thieves continue to use the high frequency of attacks, accumulated to a sufficient number of knights rushed BOSS nearby, rushed to cut down the BOSS directly use invincible, I believe that many users also seen the Paladin with this method singled wild BOSS Cazac video someday Ai The Azeroth God BLZ said: I will give you an opportunity for each occupation, select the permanent use of a skill. Soldiers say, give me unlimited shield wall; Master said, give me unlimited gas given it; Knight said, give me unlimited invincible; shaman said, give me unlimited rebirth; thieves said, I want to permanently stealth, so thieves variety of BUFF become God World of Warcraft and some items were obtained either through skills, but has a certain duration and frequency of use. Server latency issues, occasionally there will be some players stuck in certain skills or items BUFF, such as thieves cold-blooded and superior talisman BUFF and so on. However, the four areas of the national dress alasso a permanent stealth thieves let us know what is meant by the four districts of the real BUG Arathor Alliance server, named Hugh Hypnos, the thieves do not know what to get permanent stealth ability. regardless of how the players or monsters are not out of stealth state will not attack range Arcane Explosion skill to break out, even hunters flares he could not kick out. In earlier versions, the Horde players by his attacks will only display unknown target after a version update, the thief still permanently stealth, but the combat record was finally able to record his name permanently stealth BUG thief through own characteristics, can do a lot of things, kill tribal day as supination, a group of tribes also had to lay on his sword, and a copy of BOSS is also his tapas useful than what BUG tactical BUG thief through their own special abilities, reaction to change, according to some players in the same clothes, and destroyed many FD's BOSS. Luckily, he was just a special and unexpected presence of each thieves can not permanently stealth Warlock BUG! Warlock hero career! This is the evaluation of other professional players to Warlock. Compared to permanent stealth BUG BUG career thief, Warlock is a well-deserved. Permanent stealth is of course, like the existence of God, but God can do, while the Warlock is which server to which the Association has far more special BUG thief universal whether you are a woman, the destruction of the stream, or painful operation dog stream, you can fight the enemies of the crap out of you Warlock PS: more proficient I did not catch up, because Blizzard discover; toad team, cheerleaders and I missed because I will not; infinite experience did not catch up, because I was a tribal. Battlefield honor, I actually did not catch up with remorse Yeah, so I got to practice Warlock. '
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