
Blizzard why wow gold not offer to sell World of Warcraft gold

The game is a virtual social game currency, price, value, and our real life. If the gold is willfully sell, then the gold market liquidity is far higher than the number of goods and merchandise in the game, which will cause serious economic imbalances, the end result is the gold devaluation. If handled bad Warcraft gold supply and demand balance, wanton sell the currency is likely to our world of Azeroth into Zimbabwe. World of Warcraft really such a thing happened, which means gold loses its meaning , WOW long time, gold and real money play games with people is, as more and more devaluation the WOW which coins generate too fast, too, could not keep pace with consumption, however, then occurs inflation, its consequence is that the entire economic system damage indirectly caused by the reduction of the game entertaining, leading to the decrease in the number of players, and finally led to the WOW disappear from sight wow preferences for a long time to get people in the worldwide, its one of the reasons this virtual world do not quite agree with the real life;, or your real life is very rich, does not mean that you are in the game which can be mixed very happy to have a good time; reason is BLZ by all aspects of the strict control, such as plug-in, such as gold coins, such as the control of the WOW economic system does not know that you can not understand why there are so many burning gold commodity World of Warcraft. Such as the Dalaran twenty thousand gold pull Wind Mammoth, such as engineering and manufacturing motorcycles, although the motorcycle manufacturing engineering profession, but many of which are purchased from the NPC at materials needed to do this thing, the price is about the same 10,000 gold. There are also a variety of expensive Riding, professional skills (Dalaran magic shops will sell a mage skill books: become a cat surgery, the price is quite expensive) ...... Blizzard This is to encourage players to consumer recycling market coins in circulation, which stabilize prices and reduce the World of Warcraft by the expansion velocity Blizzard ignore the players for demand, there is another reason to buy gold coins. Some people say that the Blizzard if official sale of gold coins, then will be gold studio hacking hacker bankruptcy closed. In fact, this view is too optimistic, I think Blizzard official sell gold coins, will provoke a price war with gold coins studio, this will stimulate the production of the plug, hacking, phishing sites ... thus fall vicious cycle. Obviously Blizzard in this competition is a disadvantage; fact, the existence of the studio at home and abroad this play gold, so that within a certain range

Ample time through trading gold to continue playing, this is a fact, BLZ help if Blizzard Warcraft gold is higher than the market price of sale: studio buy gold is still from the studio buy, because these coins on them in addition to the printed Blizzard, there is no other difference. However, Blizzard sold Warcraft gold for new players will have the adverse effects of a connivance everyone buy gold coins if Blizzard Warcraft gold is sold below the market price: Warcraft server will set off a hyperinflation storm. Blizzard to control the price of gold is very low, so it will force the goldsmith studio, more hackers efforts diligent work. This will be a pyrrhic battle Blizzard. Cheap gold, buy more players, the excess flow of gold coins in the server ... what results we have already said many times. '
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