
Is it harmful to eat baby powder buy wow gold E7

Is it wow gold ideal harmful to eat baby powder Eating nonfood items like laundry starch is a normal human behavior referred to by professionals as "pica." People wow gold have been known to eat everything from mud to tire tubes to laundry starch. Think of a stereotypical pregnant woman craving pickles and ice cream: it's basically the same thing wow gold, only they crave nonfood items like packing peanuts. Basically, as long as whatever you consume is not toxic, you're perfectly fine chewing buy wow gold, swallowing, spitting, eating etc. What a strange habit. Eating most anything not meant to be eaten is harmful. I hope that hose addicted would do something about it. I'm not sure if there are counselors that specialize in this area, but if there is, maybe those addicted should talk to them.You can make the choice about whether or not you use baby powder but it wow gold kopen can harm a child if it is ingested by irritating the lungs and causing them to swell. So if you do use baby powder, apply to diaper or your hand and then to the diaper area - to keep it away from the baby's face. This is so crazy to find others whom have the same addiction. Yes i have it, and yes i also prefer Johnson's brand and i use to crave chalk, but now it is just baby powder. The cravings get overwhelming close to my menstrual cycle. I'm in graduate school for Forensic Psychology and yes i have heard of Pica but definition doesn't correlate to my cravings. I found another term. Known as geophagia, eating earth substances such as clay or dirt is a form of pica that can cause iron deficiency. I think my iron is low. My mouth waters too! This is a crazy thing to do. I even have gone to the extreme and bought purse size baby powder. My friends all know and find it funny but I am concerned about long term side effects also.This is so weird to me because i never thought that there were so many other people that love to eat baby powder as much as i do. It's so addictive, i have tried to stop eating it many times, but i just cant, just the thought of it makes me crave it. the main things that draw me to it is the smell for one and the texture, then there's the taste I don't know whats wrong with me. I have just always ate and love baby powder. I do worry about my health sometimes, I hope it doesn't leave any long term damage wow gold kopen. baby powder is like a drug, once you start its VERY hard to quit.
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