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Could houseplants that the ideal employee? At a conference in Amsterdam this weekend, organized by the group wow gold ideal of plants to people, the scientists show how plants in the office could be the key to reducing stress and health-related problems at work. The study results indicate that indoor plants not only improve air quality, but can increase productivity and reduce the amount of sick leave taken by staff.

When Professor Virginia Lohr of Washington State University, has asked two groups wow gold of students, both working in windowless offices, to complete the tests on the computer, he found that the reaction time was 12 percent levels stress faster and much lower among those with plants on their desks.

Similar results were recorded by Helen Russell, an environmental scientist at the University of Surrey, who asked subjects to perform mental arithmetic exercises while being distracted by noises that measured changes heart rate and blood pressure. Again, when plants were introduced, the stress indicators were much lower. Both scientists agree that the effect of air purification plants, helped to create a more relaxed, in the investigation of plants Russell led eventually to a decrease of 60 percent of absenteeism from work.

Place the plants in poorly ventilated spaces has long been known to improve air quality and humidity. But he now believes that the ability of plants to reduce levels of volatile organic compounds emitted by synthetic materials used in products such as paints, carpets, furniture and the glue has a direct influence on stress and health work.

The office provides on average a drug cocktail of airborne chemicals dry cleaners, shampoos, soaps and deodorants for more VOCs. "Almost everyone is on their VOC," said Dr. Ronald Wood, University of Technology Sydney. "When the chemical emissions, multiplied by the number of people in any place where they are exposed to risks that are phenomenal. VOCs are considered a major cause of headaches, stress, lethargy, eye irritation and difficulty tract. metabolize pollutants plants, they literally talked cleans the air we breathe. "

Other studies have shown impressive results. Professor Tove Fjeld of the Agricultural University, Oslo, Norway asked the students and office workers in their working conditions and mood. He found that the presence of indoor plants have increased the concentration levels of 33 percent, reduce headaches by 45 percent and resulted in 31 percent fewer complaints of dry throat and cough. Almost 33 percent of people felt less tired and cold and runny nose fell 11 percent.

"The roots of the plants break down the chemicals that have been absorbed into the wow gold kopen soil or the leaves and turn them into food for plants. We found that this reduces emissions of volatile organic compounds in third place," says Fjeld. "At the same time, a way to help the plants to control soil moisture, help prevent the cough and sore throat."

America and Australia, for many companies, convinced by the research of Wood, to insist on the installation of plants to improve indoor air. "A 1 percent loss in productivity of employees who are dissatisfied with working conditions eq
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