
You have a right to remain silent wow gold kopen Aw

You have a right to remain silentI'm guessing the password is on the hard drive wow gold kopen, Geek. zero instead of an 'o' in the word. I've no idea if this person was being serious, but I wouldn't think it outside the realms of possibility, and it could also be used by unscrupulous people too, hence why it might not be a good idea to use words for passwords, even if you have substituted letters for numbers.In answer to your original question, Pooch, you are not alone. The analogy raised above with a house search is a good one. If the police have a warrent it seems reasonable that they should be allowed to 'break in' to this computer but that does not mean he has to help them. QThere is a nasty whiff of witch-hunting about the whole issue, including from that bloke who resigned the other day. I've heard him on the radio several times and his view is that you're guilty if we say so because we know.And anyway, I've forgotten my password and forgotten where I write it down. Prove otherwise.In reply to Geek The Amazing Dogboy in message 17Are there any techno dudes out there? If they really wanted to get in to see what he'd been up to, couldn't they have just removed the hard drive and linked it up so a different computer?Or does the law prohibit this?I doubt it was a bios or Windows account password covering 'normal' files that had them stumped. I suspect that it was more likely that he had the material itself stored in an encrypted zip or equivalent file. You would think that the police would have hackers who could break strong encryption in the time it take it takes to make a cup of tea, but I don't think that modern strong encryption is that easy to crack, even for experts.I once read about a man who was arrested on, IIRC, Mafia gambling charges, but they had to let him go as they couldn't break the encryption he had used to (allegedly) protect his accounts. Apparently he had used the program Pretty Good Privacy, or PGP, which is or was available free on the net.In reply to JB-on-here never mind who in Real Life in message 33I don't even see why the mere possession of obscene images in private should even be an offence. Otherwise punishing possession as a crime in itself does seem a bit 'thought crime'ish. Though there are arguments that looking at such material might make the individual with an interest in such things more likely to act on their desires.I recently broke my work laptop. Read more.This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled wow gold. While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets (CSS) if you are able to do so.
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