
Wilderness Hunting wow po VQ

Wilderness HuntingXanadu WeyrAbout XanaduTimelinePolitical RelationsImports and ExportsRecent EventsEvents CalendarCode RepositoryArea MapsWho's WhoWeyr ResidentsFlight RecordsSearch RecordsHatching RecordsFormer CharactersNPCsAdoptable CharactersBeholden AreasOverviewBlack Rock HoldHannista HoldRessac Sea HoldRubicon River HoldDolphincraft HallDragonhealer's AnnexSearchOverviewScheduleFAQsSample ApplicationFor CandidatesWeyrlingsWeyrling ClassOverviewRulesStandard WeyrlinghoodExtended WeyrlinghoodClass LogsLogsCurrent LogsArchived LogsRubicon River LogsAdding LogsGalleryGeneral GalleryFirelizard GalleryXanadu's ClutchesLineage GalleryKnot ImagesRoom ImagesDragon Coloring BookHelp+xawhelp filesWelcome to MUSHingFirelizard SetupHow to Add LogsLinksA wide clearing stretches from east to west, the ground packed hard although grass grows across most of it. Trees are strictly forbidden in this space, their danger to the constant draconic traffic reason enough to banish them to the forest that creates a this and sharp border to the north. Where the ground is less trampled, tiny flowers poke their delicate heads out from their shaded hiding places with upturned petals to wave to whoever may be looking.The cliff looms imposingly on three sides, stretching upwards all the way up the side of the mountain where, high above, Xanadu's Star Stones and the ever present watchdragon sit on a lonely peak. Directly south is a massive tunnel, fully wide enough for even the largest dragon to fly down. Southeast are wide steps leading up to the Caverns and eastwards is the large entrance to the Infirmary. Somewhat north of the Infirmary is a human sized archway that has a frequent quantity of traffic it leads to the Tavern. Southwest lies the low ledges currently belonging to Xanadu's queens while north and west a broad path cut by the side of the cliff leads to the Feeding Grounds and due north is the spacious trail that leads to the rest of the Weyr.Kinseth glides in to a landing, and X'hil is already half out of the straps by the time they reach the ground, sliding quickly down the bronze's neck, and digging into a pocket, closing his hands around the box. It's safe and out of sight there. Never know who might be watching, even here. He turns back to help Cenlia and Rogawani down, frowning and glancing around, looking more than a little paranoid. It's not paranoia if they really /are/ out to get you!Cenlia hops down, making sure to thank 'Sir Kinseth' for the lift back. She shoulders her packs and steps out of the way so Rogawani can get down. The girl is also peering about. Nope, not paranoid at all?Nowhere near as smooth with dragons and riding straps as the bronzerider, even lingering after Cenlia is already down, Rogawani finally is able to free himself with one good tug at the straps Acheter Des PO. He starts down the bronze's side, giving the neck a small pat. "Thanks for the ride, big guy." Ro' Lands on the ground with a little puff of dust from his boots. Like the others, he's not exactly at ease to be home, his hands going into his pockets as he glances around, watching the other dragons land.Siebith might not be as quick to land as he might normally be, being weighed down by the cargo net carrying supplies as his is, but he's on the ground fast enough all the same. D'had, much like X'hil, is on the ground almost before the blue has fully touched down, heading over to make sure the bronzer doesn't need a hand with his passengers. Perhaps so they can be on their way all the more quickly.X'hil mutters under his breath as he undoes the cargo net from Kinseth's straps, then frowns. She /might/ be a legitimate candidate? He groans, and looks up at Kinseth. He just got /back/, and the infirmary is looking mighty tempting. The dragon alerts any sweep dragons, or otherwise assigned dragons, that might be in the area, Candidate missing in the wilderness wow po. Search teams requested, ASAP. is still looking around, but her gaze stops at the infirmary, and she purses her lips. Her brother is still in there, and when he finds out where she's been the girl runs a hand through her hair and quickly offers to help whichever rider needs his dragon unloaded. When X'hil groans wow gold kopen, she glances at him questoningly.This time, Rogawani isn't quite so shaken by this third ride on a dragon, so he's quick to turn and begin helping the riders unpack things from their dragons. He even nearly topples over when a net is haphazardly dropped on him, but somehow manages to keep it under control and guide it down onto the ground. Even his little bronze firelizard is there chittering encouragingly, perhaps picking up on his owner's well hidden distress."I think we can take care of the supplies," D'had notes for X'hil as he catches the bronzer's . discomfort. We of course being him and their two passengers - Cenlia and Rogawani. "If you've got other things to take care of."X'hil mutters. "Kinseth is nagging me to go /look/ for that candidate." he scowls. But he's having doubts now "I I'll finish up here." Kinseth's nearly unloaded, after all. Though unpacking the unattached cargo net is another matter. "And then I've got something to take care of." He grimaces at the infirmary. He's been /far/ too active these past two days. /Far/.Cenlia helps with the rest of the unloading, but can't help the slightly amused grin tugging at the corner of her mouth when she sees the bronzer grimacing at the infirmary. However, she does say, "After this, am opening that bottle." Is that a promise? The girl adjusts her bags, then tells Rogawani, "If ya see B'miel, let him know I say thanks, huh?" And then she grins, all this paranoia starting to get to her a little, saying, "Yer welcome to join me for some glasses later, too." And she glances around, one last time. Yup, paranoid.Looking over a set of sacks in his arms, Rogawani first looks at X'hil with concern, but then nods to D'had. "I can stay and help unpack. I wasn't scheduled for a route today anyways." He mutters, shifting the load a little in his arms, still not able to quite carry as much as an adult might be able to. He sets the sacks down near his bronze, giving the little lizard a scratch under the chin. "Being nice now are we?" He says to the bronze in a soft voice, dusting his hands off as he shoots the smallest of smiles at Cenlia, "I'll make sure to tell him." Nodding, the boy manages a little chuckle at the offer. "If there's time after I see to my runner. I could use a good drink." Which is surprising, figuring the boy hadn't touched a drop of the booze Cenlia brought on the trip.D'had nods once again, "If I don't hear anything about her before tomorrow I'll keep an eye out on sweeps." he assures, though how its said the rest of their group could likely guess he means not only the missing candidate, but anything else noteworthy as well. That of course is usually a given, but with things such as they are - even more so. Straps are loosened to drop the cargo net Siebith was carrying down to the ground so it can be more easily unpacked.Having done her part to help with the unpacking, the gardener girl glances between the caverns wow gold, the garden, and the infirmary. She bites her lip, frowning, but then the girl sighs and mutters, "I need a drink." And waving a farewell to the others, she heads towards the caverns.X'hil heads for the caverns too, but he doesn't stop for a drink, continuing down to the offices. He remains in there for some time before limping back out and heading to the infirmary, to get his wound seen to. Seems he's torn his stitches wow gold. /Again/. He's out like a light the second he gets on the cot, and even Kinseth is relaxing for a snooze in the clearing at last.
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