
This is the Message Centre for lil Acheter Des PO ml

This is the Message Centre for lilI'll start. Fred stared at the computer screen, desperatly searching himself on what to write. He wanted to look cool infront of his new web friends, but yet he didn't want to blow it by looking like a complete fool who was trying to look cool. As he clicked away rabidly at the keybord with the slow and stedy humm of the celing fan and the soft glow of the computer moniter. He relised that this was hopeless. Why was he spending all his time on the computer now? Was he adicted to it. He shut it down and turned on the light. Perhaps he should clean up a bit. ford and Midnight Ice were coming over soon, and he didn't want his old friends seeing him like the wreck he was. This day time thing was not working out for him. He rubed his blood shot eyes and squinted in the light. "Maybe i should just go back to bed." He mermered. But it was to late now. A car just drove up outside. ---Now you guys pick up from here and do what ever!----". what the?" The computer chose that exact moment to crash. The screan flickered then whent black. "NOOOOOO!" Wailed Fred Angrily, "Curse you second age technolagdy! I knew we should have upgraded!" He kicked the computer fearsly and the side cofering poped off. Not only were there dead people in the hall, and brocken china on the floor, but now, and busted computer on the desk. He cursed under his breath. Midnight and Ford exchanged glanses. They both carfully backed away from the raving, steeming, peed-off, cursing, mess, that Fred had become. They took 2 steps out into the hall, then clambered over the dead bodies and bolted out the front door, (of corse stopping by the kitchen for some toast though) They stood outside panting, in the humid hot, southern heat. Ford turned to midnight with a surpressed grin and asked "Wanna come by my place and use my computer insted?" Midnight lauged and the two of them walked to their cars, ignoring the muffled yells and cursing from the inside, doomed Fred. Theywould see him tomorrow so it was no big worry, it seemed like he was having a bad day today anyway, so it was best they stay far away as possible. (er.)The jet packs had just enough fuel in them to get them to the middle of an anonymous desert somewhere in Kansas. Ford, Fred and Midnight touched down just as the sun was beginning to set. They were all tired, windswept and hungry. Fortunately, Ford was prepared. She pulled out three tents, some matches, some water and some freeze-dried camping food out of a bag she very convieniently had on her. In about three seconds, the tents were set up, there was a fire crackling away and their dinner was beginning to hydrate itself again. As the last wisps of sunlight faded from the sky, the three of them sat around the campfire and discussed what they were going to do the next day. "The Women in Pink," said poor, confused Fred, shaking his head. "What do you think they have to tell us Acheter Des PO?" "Probably nothing," said Ford, finding a stick and skewering a marshmallow on it. "We're not even supposed to know that they know the Question the the Ulitmate Answer of Life, the Universe and Everything. And if they know that we know that they know, we'll all be in very deep trouble. We'll need an alterior motive if we're going to get in there without being caught." Fred was clearly thinking very hard. "If we're going to get in there and fool those Women in Pink," he said, "then we're going to need a pretty damn good excuse. And I don't know about you, but I'm not really in the mood for thinking of one right now. No, I say that we do what they always do in the movies - pretend we're one of the Women in Pink gw2 gold." All three of them shuddered at the thought of wearing pink. "Well," Midnight said finally, after several seconds' awkward silence, "when in Rome, do what the Romans do, I guess. But where are we going to get" - she shuddered - "PINK clothes? My whole wardrobe is black." Ford, as ever was prepared for this. She reached down for her increasingly handy plot device of a bag and pulled out three pink suits, with WIP embroidered in white on the back. "My mother used to be one of the WIP, ages and ages ago," she said. "I found these in the back of her cupboard. They might be a bit outdated, but they'll probably get us into Area 52 without a second glance." Ford then proceeded to pull out a complete ground map of Area 52. She spread it on the other ground so the other two could see. "See. here is where we get in," she said wow po, "and this" - she pointed with her now bare marshmallow stick - "is where the secrets about everything are kept." Fred and Midnight looked at Ford in amazement. "Ford," said Midnight, looking puzzledly at her, "if your mother was a WIP, why didn't you ask her about it?" "Oh," said Ford, "that never occurred to me wow gold. Oh well." The three of them spent the rest of the night planning, and finally stumbled off into their tents for a much-needed sleep. In the morning wow gold kopen, they got ready, packed up, and finally started off for Area 52, which was a short, 1km walk away. They had no idea that what they would find there would change their lives forever.
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