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Buy Guild Wars 2 Google Checkout

Full three-dimensional picture of the game, unusually rich set of points and hundreds of BOSS, a thousand equipments. The introduction of colorful props kept alive the "god country" of entertainment wow gold po, operational, into a sense of competitive nature, visual impact force reached the peak of similar products. In the game Guild Wars 2, the similar products attract more players to enjoy the game with guild wars 2 gold.

October 18, the most comprehensive and complete "gods country" will be a formal meeting with the majority of players! By then, the super-Enjoy more fun, exciting gaming experience will not be missed! "Magic key" Asian synchronized beta, on the first special service, special services in the current players already have a general understanding of the game. For the style="">Lineage 2 Adena Meng-based, highlighting the Q concept casual game concept was to experience something really profound.

Today on other servers, there are a lot of players asking how to choose the horse? Meng Meng in addition to a horse, the different shape of the horse, whether there are other different performances. To this end we visited the specially designed clothing in some of the expert players to take a look at how they choose the right horse wow gold. This visit brings more players to buy guild wars 2 gold to enjoy the wonderful scene in the game.

In the visit, a lot of expert players have stressed the problem, the horse must be nice, but be sure to highlight the role characteristics, for the exclusive occupation mounts Acheter Des PO, it is largely tend to enjoy nature. For example, a small three Dragon Nest Gold, Vata's Carpet and so on wow po. Although the horse can not be directly involved in the fighting, but fighting was able to become the best tool for supporting its role in combat is fast, fast evacuation of battle!

Speaking of quick entry and withdrawal of combat, it must focus on the game's sailing under the horse. Sailing horse has a strong impact, to see it when running the form, the air flowing around it, so we really have been feeling. With excellent sailing horse impact, can have a strong impact in the instant speed, this is not available in other mounts. So, the sales of GW2 gold are increasing with this kind of development.

There is also an alternative style, and great shock in the horse: somersault cloud. Its speed is much faster than the ordinary horse, and modeling alternative, the majority of players love. It is currently used in game one of the largest number of mounts.

While expert players can prompt you, when the role to achieve 25 or 50, you can purchase the reins were props from the mall, 25 reins to increase mount speed by 154%, 50 reins 172% speed increase gw2 gold! So, when the role to 50 after the horse matched to the force 50 to force the reins, this time truly brave horse will be born beautiful!

