
Pulling wow gold on nipple while feeding

Cruz is almost 8 weeks old and hasn't been the best of feeders since the start. Have weaned him off the nipple shield and he still doesn't attach very well at times but seems to be happy while feeding. Have been following all advice regarding 'the key to successful breastfeeding' (Rebecca Glover) but I still feel like Cruz and I don't have it quite right. Lately he has wow gold been pulling his head away from the boob constantly while feeding. His lips are almost off the breast but he still has my nipple between his tongue and his top gum! Then he seems to bring his head back and have another go but keeps pulling his head back, and then feeding again etc. I have tried to hold his head very firmly against my breast but he gets annoyed with me and tends to try and pull back even harder. I thought maybe i didn't have enough milk but I have expressed and gotten plenty, and he also seems to do this even right at the start of feeding when I let down. He is a very fidgety baby and doesn't like to sit still for long and needs to be constantly entertained - which is fine because I LOVE playing with him, but just not during feeds when my nipple is involved!! does anyone have any ideas on why he might be feeding like this? I know they get fussy at different stages but this seems to be a habit that is growing. thanks lovelies, any advice appreciated! lou xxME: 36 DH: 30 DD: 18 DS: 3 DD: 04/05/11BUBBA #4 DUE: 15 OCT 12

Oh yes, Brandyn did this at around 8 weeks as well. I can only assume this was due to the flow being too fast for him. Eventually, as he got older, he learned to deal with this better. For Brandyn this was a stage and it passed within a few weeks. That's probably not what you want to hear right now! Good luck. But Aquarius I think the bottle is a pain sometimes too, they get confused and then want their feed fast all the time. He has latched on perfectly today and hasn't pulled on them as much, it seems that when he is really hungry he concentrates on the job at hand! Also where I sit to feed at home, his little feet hit the side of the chair because he has grown. could be that too I suppose. Could be a number of things hey!!! thanks girlsME: 36 DH: 30 DD: 18 DS: 3 DD: 04/05/11BUBBA #4 DUE: 15 OCT 12

