
Assisted conception

Tash, I have been using my left over frozen bubbies from Xaviers collection back in 2007. My first cycle was not successful. We did get a pregnancy but lost it at 5weeks as it wasn't strong enough to continue. We had a second one put in wow gold the other month and are well and truly preggas this time. The embryo was so good that they have dated me at nearly a week further than what I should be. We know that we can only be where we are in dates due to the IVF so you can get some pretty strong embryos still after freezing and thawing. Both of my cycles were natural cycles, being no tablets or injections were used. I have a normal 28 day cycle and they don't like to use the hormones if you have normal cycles. Just rang them on day one, started bloods on day 12 to pinpoint ovulation and then had the embryo put back in 5 days after ovulation was confirmed. It was amazing to see that little embryo up on the screen. Hope this helps to some extent.

