
January 2011 Babies

terra wrote:Well hello lovely mummy's!!Seems like everyone is busy with the bubs kiddies and everyone sounds happy healthy Well i thouhgt i would pop in to say a quick hello, feel a little bad that i am not in here that often. Brae is 1 month old tomorrow, its gone super fast and we have his 4 week check up on tuesday and i think he has piled on some weight in the last 2 weeks He has been really unsettled in the last 2 days so i havent been getting much sleep the last 2 nights. He is hungry every 2 hours but i am pushing him out to 3 because i cant demand feed on wow gold formular of he will end up HUGE!! and he is on 125ml bottles and already having more than he should be. Isn't it just ADOREABLE !!I also had an unsettled little girl the last 2 days. My story is in the PRIVATE ! section. 40mins max during the day for each day sleep and its really starting to get me down. In the beginning I will would cuddle him to sleep and put him in his cot so Ive made my own problem I know. But since about 6 weeks I have been trying to put him in his cot awake and allow him to self settle. Sometimes this works well, cries on off for about 8 mins and goes off to sleep. Sometimes he wont settle and I go in and pat him off, but either way he only sleeps for 40 mins. I cant seem to get much done around the house at all, because I am either having a shower, eating and looking after DD's needs when he is asleep. I'm trying to not be too hard on myself, he is only 9 weeks, but I know from experience, if I dont solve this sleep problem, it only gets worse and will start to affect his night sleeping as well. Then I will be up all day and all night. What are everyone else's babies doing sleepwise: day ad night, but mostly day, is it just me who has a catnapper. Any tips for how to get him to sleep longer. Infact all of mine catnapped during the day. NO tips or advice though sorry, I always just followed their lead. I never foudn it really affected their night sleeping or anything though,and I found it got easier as they got bigger, as they would get int a more predictable routine. Hope things start to get better for you soon, try not to be too hard on yourself, and take some time out for you too - it will get easier xxxMum to - Amber - 5 years Tamzin - 4 years Cody - 3 years Jacob - 19 months

Hi Dee! It is so nice to have a big family! I want to have one more baby-daughter but it is impossible now. state Minnesota about wow gold 1 year and 5 months. In our hospitals we can get one needle with one immunization in one leg, that is all. But we have only one vaccine that have 3 things in it. it is Diphtheria, tetanus pertussis. On friday my son got this kind of vaccines: Diphtheria, tetanus pertussis; polio; hepatitis B; Hib and pneumococcal conjugate. My son feels better. He doesn't have a fever now but he sleeps so nervously and very short time.

Hi mommies! I hope your kids and you are doing well. It is so quiet in this theme. Marnie and BecJack thanks for your attention to my son! He is doing well now. He is so cute. He all time smiles to me and my family and all time something tells to us on his language. he don't want lay down and all time tries to stand up and he loves to look everything when I carry him in my arms. We have a terrible weather now. One day it's snowing and second day it's raining. these changes of weather make me tired. I should stay at home with my sons. My older son Dima all time scream because he wants to go on playground and play with other kids. I try to play with him in different games but he doesn't want to play with me more than 5 minutes. I don't know what should I do in this situation? He cries loudly all time. (((( He doesn't give to sleep his brother in a day. And I have a big headache after his cries. He becomes so nervously after his brother was born. Maybe he jealous me and my husband to his brother? i try to spend more time with him but he wants all my attention only for him.

