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That one Joey asked:

Q4TQ: How likely is it that enhancement will be a shaman tank spec in the next expansion? wow gold They already have most of the tools neccessary. (They can wear a shield, frost shock is "high threat", rockbiter is "high threat" and they have a pseudo taunt I believe.) They also have a toughness talent. All blizz would need to do is make a talent that converts agility to mitigation stats.

Zero. You won't see a shaman tank spec. The shaman as a tank was a gameplay weirdness that existed back in the original vanilla game when "tanking" was more on par with the EverQuestversion, where the occasional taunt and survivability was paramount over threat wow gold and mitigation. In a pinch, in lower-level dungeons, a shaman could use the shield and a high-threat ability to make it so your healer or whoever didn't die immediately. Shaman "tanking" tools in game right now are merely utility spells that could potentially be useful somewhere, like "taunting" on Chimaeron or something. The possibilities are also a huge balance problem. You know how awful druids are to balance for four specs when they only have three talent trees -- it's a giant pain. One of the criticisms of Cataclysm that Mike Morhaime and the rest discussed in their earnings calls was the fact that people went through and completed Cataclysm content too quickly. There wasn't enough leveling content for the majority of players who are not hardcore raiders and not hardcore daily farmers.

With the next expansion, I think you are going to see a focus on more content, period. Blizzard doesn't have to worry about rebuilding the entire world this time, and hopefully that translates into more content for everyone and a whole new continent to explore, just like Northrend.

